来源:  作者:  编辑:admin  日期:2016-11-24  点击率:10608  [我要打印]  [关闭]




第一章  总则

第一条  为全面贯彻执行党和国家的教育方针,激励学生奋发向上,刻苦学习,德智体全面发展,充分调动学生的积极性,According to the Education Law of the People's Republic of China, the Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulations on the Management of Students in Ordinary Institutions of Higher Learning, and the Regulations on the Management of Students in Mingde College of Guizhou University,特制定本办法。

第二条  学院对各项奖励的评审遵循公开、公正、公平原则。 

第三条 The college implements the method of combining spiritual reward with material reward and giving priority to spiritual reward。

第二章  评审机构及职能

第四条  学院设立学生评优评奖委员会。The Student Evaluation and Award Committee is the working body of the college to select various awards for students. Its main function is to discuss and decide important matters and issues related to student evaluation and award, formulate evaluation and award methods, and examine and approve the list of winners of the college。The committee is composed of the school leaders in charge of student work and teaching work, the head of the teaching and Research Section, the head of the Student section, the secretary of the Youth League Committee and the heads of each department。委员会下设评优评奖办公室(办公室设在学生科),作为其日常办事机构,Responsible for collecting all kinds of award recommendation materials and review according to the provisions of this regulation and submit the review results to the Student Evaluation and Award Committee for approval。Each department sets up a student evaluation team headed by the department head, which is responsible for reviewing and recommending the candidates for various awards of the department。

第三章  评优评奖类型

第五条  评奖类型






第六条  评优类型










第四章  各类奖学金评定办法

第七条  优秀学生奖学金评定办法:

(1) The scholarship for Outstanding students is used to reward students with all-round development of moral, intellectual, physical, American and labor, and excellent academic and moral performance。Scholarships for outstanding students are divided into three levels: first-class scholarships, second-class scholarships and third-class scholarships, and the number of winners does not exceed the total number of students15%;

(2) The evaluation of outstanding student scholarships is mainly based on the weighted average scores of each subject listed in the annual class schedule of the whole class, combined with the ranking of the "Comprehensive Assessment Method for Students' Moral, Intellectual and Physical Education of Mingde College of Guizhou University" and students' usual performance, and each department shall be evaluated comprehensively in the following scope;


(4) The outstanding student scholarship by individual application, class recommendation, by the departments according to the proportion of the organization of the selection, after the publicity to the Academy Awards office unified review, after the review passed, the review of the Academy Awards committee, after the publication of no objections, approved by the academy。评定时间为每年9月,11月颁发。

第八条  单项奖学金评定办法:

(1) The individual scholarship shall be used to award students who have made outstanding achievements in academic scientific and technological innovation, cultural and sports activities, social practice, self-reliance, self-improvement and adversity, volunteer activities, ideology and morality during the academic year;

(2) Each type of individual scholarship shall be evaluated according to the applicant's situation and award criteria, and the bonus amount is600/人,不设名额限制。

(3) Individual scholarship by individual application, class recommendation, by each department according to the selection conditions organized selection, after the public report to the Academy Awards office unified review, after the review passed, the report to the Academy Awards committee review, after the publication of no objections, approved by the academy。评定时间为每年9月,11月颁发。


1Individual scholarship for Academic Science and Technology Innovation: publish papers as the first author in domestic core and authoritative journals in the same year;inSCIEIPublish papers as first or second author;Have national-level important inventions and discoveries;At least the third prize in the national College student academic Science and technology competition;

2Individual art scholarship: The individual won the third prize or above in the National important art competition or the first prize in the important competition of Guizhou Province in the same year;

3、体育单项奖学金:个人当年度在全国重大比赛获前8名或贵州省比赛获得前3Name (Where the team event wins, the applicant must be the main player;Individual events are calculated by individual results);

4Individual scholarship for social practice: the main person in charge of the outstanding group with outstanding social practice achievements, or the outstanding individual commended by the relevant departments at or above the university level in that year;

5Individual scholarship for success: Due to family or own reasons (physical disability or serious illness) in adversity, self-reliance and self-improvement, the performance of the top fifth of the major;

6Volunteer Individual scholarship: Participated in the volunteer work of major activities in this academic year and was commended by the service unit;Organizing and participating in major volunteer activities of the university with outstanding performance;

7Individual scholarship for Civic Moral Accomplishment: to demand themselves with higher moral standards, consciously practice the socialist concept of honor and disgrace, and follow the basic moral norms of citizens in an exemplary manner;Have outstanding deeds in helping others, doing good deeds, honesty and trustworthiness, filial piety and love;Students who have high recognition among the student body。

第九条  学习进步奖学金评定办法

(1) The Learning Progress Scholarship is used to reward students who have improved their academic performance quickly, made great progress and performed outstanding in the academic year。奖学金金额为200/年·生,获奖面不超过学生总人数的2%;

(2) The evaluation of learning progress scholarship is mainly based on the ranking of weighted average scores of each subject listed in the annual class schedule of the whole class, combined with the ranking of the "Rules for the Comprehensive Quality Assessment of Students of Mingde College of Guizhou University" and students' usual performance, and each department shall be evaluated comprehensively in the following scope;

(三)学习进步奖学金的加权平均成绩一般不低于60分且加权平均成绩班级排名与上一学年相比提高10If you have more than one name, there will be no retaking within the year (make-up examination is allowed, but the score after make-up examination should all pass), and the comprehensive test score is not lower than that60分,操行表现分不低于90分。

(4) Learning progress scholarship by individual application, class recommendation, organized by each department according to the selection conditions, after the public report to the Academy Awards office unified review, after the review, the report to the Academy Awards committee review, after the publication of no objections, approved by the academy。评定时间为每年9月,11月颁发。

第十条  学术科研奖学金评定办法

(1) Academic research scholarships are used to award students who have published academic papers in core journals and authoritative journals, obtained national patent and invention authorization, won excellence awards at national and provincial levels of various college student competitions or above (including excellence awards), and other students who have made outstanding achievements in the field of academic research recognized by the College。


(3) Academic research scholarship by individual application, class recommendation, by each department according to the selection conditions organized selection, after the public report to the Academy Awards office unified review, after the review passed, the report to the Academy Awards committee review, after the publication of the list public no objections, approved by the academy。评定时间为每年9月,11月颁发。

第十一条  毕业生考研奖学金评定办法:

(1) The Graduate Entrance Examination Scholarship is used to reward the fresh graduates of domestic and foreign universities who have been admitted and confirmed to study in the year of graduation and have been registered by the Ministry of Education and have admission qualifications;


(3) The graduate entrance examination scholarship shall be reviewed by the graduate individual application (in addition, a copy of the admission notice or file transfer letter shall be provided), and the evaluation and award Office of the College. After passing the examination, the scholarship shall be submitted to the evaluation and Award Committee of the College for review. After the list is published and there is no objection, the scholarship shall be approved by the college。评定、颁发时间为每年6月。

第五章  各类优秀评定办法

第十二条  三好学生评选办法

(1) Three Good students are used to commend and award students who have outstanding performance in ideology, moral character, academic performance, physical exercise and other aspects during the academic year;

(2) The three good students shall be awarded with two levels: "Guizhou Province Three Good Students of ordinary Colleges and Universities" and "University level Three Good Students"。




2Actively practicing the socialist concept of honor and disgrace, good moral conduct, good civilized behavior, exemplary compliance with the "Regulations on the management of students in ordinary colleges and universities" and the "Code of Conduct for students in colleges and Universities" and school status and education management and other rules and regulations, and actively publicize the national school status and education management policy;

3)善于学习和吸收新知识,热爱所学专业,勤奋学习,基础知识扎实,在学术研究、科技活动等方面成绩突出,Won the first-class Excellent Student scholarship and the honorary title of "Three Good Students" in the award year;Take an active part in sports and recreational activities,有健康的体质、良好的卫生习惯及心理素质,达到《全球十大外围足球平台》;

4Actively participate in school and party group organization activities, social practice, scientific and technological innovation and other public welfare activities, and have a strong ability to use knowledge to analyze and solve problems and a pioneering spirit。Love labor, care about the collective, unite and help students, with wholeheartedly serving the people's outlook on life, values and career outlook;


The three good students of ordinary colleges and universities in Guizhou province shall be recommended by each department according to the selection conditions, and submitted to the school's Merit evaluation and Award office for review. After passing the review, they will be publicized at the hospital level, and after there is no objection, they will be reported to the President's office for discussion, and the final list will be submitted to the Guizhou Department of Education for approval。

3The selection time and quota of the Three Good students in ordinary colleges and universities in Guizhou Province shall be subject to the documents issued by the Guizhou Provincial Education Department。



1)思想品德好,坚持四项基本原则,Love the socialist motherland;,自觉学习和实践科学发展观,立志为社会主义事业服务;遵守国家法律和校纪校规,遵守《全球十大外围足球平台》,敢于同不良现象作斗争;有良好的道德修养。

2Good academic performance, clear learning purpose, correct attitude, love the major;Study hard, have a strong ability to analyze and solve problems, excellent performance, no retake or make-up examination in the year,在优秀奖学金获得者中产生或学年各科加权平均成绩名次列本班前1/5者。

3Good physical exercise, meet the "College Student physical education qualification standards", excellent physical education performance;Actively participate in various cultural and sports activities, adhere to regular physical exercise;Pay attention to health, have good health habits。



School level three good students by each class director, counselors and class committee, league branch in the eligible students to discuss the list of candidates,经班级民主评议后上报各系评优评奖小组,各系按照评选标准,对通过班级民主评议的申请人进行初审后报学院,学院对各系提交材料进行审核,审核通过后公示,公示后报院评优评奖办公室统一审查,审查合格后,公示后报院评优评奖办公室统一审查,审查合格后,报院评优评奖委员会审核,经张榜公布公示无异议后,由学院批准颁发。



第十三条  优秀学生干部评选办法

(1) Excellent student cadres are used to commend student cadres who have outstanding performance and obvious achievements in social work during the academic year and have a strong exemplary leading role。

(2) Excellent student cadres shall be awarded at two levels: "Excellent Student Cadres of Guizhou ordinary Colleges and Universities" and "Outstanding student cadres at the university level"。




2)积极践行社会主义荣辱观,道德品行优良,文明行为良好,Model abide by the "Regulations on the Management of students in ordinary institutions of higher learning" and the "Code of Conduct for students in institutions of higher learning" and the school's academic status management and other rules and regulations,积极宣传国家学籍学历管理政策,认真组织学生核对学籍学历电子注册有关信息;

3Love the major, study hard, excellent performance, award year no make-up subjects, weighted average score in75Score more than;Actively participate in physical exercise and recreational activities, have a healthy physique, good health habits and psychological quality, and meet the "National physical exercise standards";

4)担任各级学生干部(含学院、系团总支、学生会干部,班团干部、勤工助学中心及学生社团主要负责人)一年以上,热心承担社会工作,工作成绩突出,切实起到骨干带头作用;积极组织学生开展各项活动,热爱劳动,关心集体,热心为同学服务,作风正派,有较强的管理能力和组织协调能力,Have high prestige among classmates;Awarded the "Three good Student" or "Excellent Student leader" honorary title。


The outstanding student cadres of ordinary colleges and universities in Guizhou province shall be recommended by each department according to the selection conditions, and submitted to the college's Merit evaluation and Award office for review. After passing the review, they will be publicized at the college level. After no objections are raised, the list will be discussed by the president's office and submitted to the Guizhou Provincial Department of Education for approval。

3The selection time and quota of outstanding student cadres in ordinary colleges and universities in Guizhou Province shall be subject to the documents issued by the Guizhou Provincial Department of Education。



1)坚持四项基本原则,Love the socialist motherland;,自觉学习和实践科学发展观,立志为社会主义事业服务;遵守国家法律和校纪校规,遵守《全球十大外围足球平台》,敢于同不良现象作斗争,有良好的道德修养;

2Enthusiastic in social work, served as a student leader during the year, and actively completed various tasks assigned by the organization, with strong working ability and organizational ability;

3Democratic style, pay attention to working methods and adhere to principles, have a mass foundation and high prestige among students, and can play an exemplary role in leading, work diligently and have real achievements;




The class director, counselor, class committee and league branch shall discuss the candidates list among the eligible students,经班级民主评议后上报各系评优评奖小组,各系按照评选标准,对通过班级民主评议的申请人进行初审后报学院,学院对各系提交材料进行审核,审核通过后公示,公示后报院评优评奖办公室统一审查,审查合格后,报院评优评奖委员会审核,经张榜公布公示无异议后,由学院批准颁发。

The number of outstanding student cadres of Youth League Committee, Student Union, work-study center and campus civilization Service team shall be based on the number of student cadres10%The selection (after the decimal point is rounded) does not account for the class quota, and is nominated by the Youth League Committee and the Student Affairs Department。



第十四条  文体积极分子评定办法


1Observe the rules and regulations of the school, have good conduct, good academic performance, actively participate in sports and sports activities organized by the school, outstanding achievements, or win honors for the school or the school's athletes or literary backbone;

2Take part in one or several cultural and sports activities for a long time and play a leading role in mass cultural and sports activities;





In the provincial competition, the individual won the first place, or the main member of the team won the first place;In the national competition, the top three individuals, or the main members of the top three teams。


In national competitions (excluding invitational competitions), the top three individuals, or the main members of the top three teams;In the large comprehensive national games, the top eight, or the main member of the top eight team。


1The class director, counselor, class committee and league branch shall discuss and propose a list of candidates among the eligible students,经班级民主评议后上报各系评优评奖小组,各系按照评选标准,对通过班级民主评议的申请人进行初审后报学院,学院对各系提交材料进行审核,审核通过后公示,公示后报院评优评奖办公室统一审查,审查合格后,报院评优评奖委员会审核,经张榜公布公示无异议后,由学院批准颁发。


第十五条  优秀大学毕业生评定办法

(1) Outstanding university graduates are awarded for outstanding performance in ideology, moral character, academic performance, physical exercise, social work and other aspects during the school, excellent performance, and have a strong exemplary role in leading students;

(2) Outstanding university graduates shall be awarded with two levels: "Outstanding University Graduates of Guizhou ordinary Institutions of Higher Learning" and "Outstanding University graduates at the university level"。




2Actively establish the socialist concept of honor and disgrace, good moral conduct, good civilized behavior, and exemplary compliance with the "Regulations on the management of Students in ordinary colleges and universities" and the "Code of Conduct for students in colleges and Universities" and the relevant rules and regulations of school status and education management;

3I am good at learning and absorbing new knowledge, love my major, study hard, have solid basic knowledge, outstanding professional achievements, and excellent comprehensive assessment results (in the first three years, the comprehensive assessment ranked first in my class20%), in principle, all passing subjects;Actively participate in physical exercise and recreational activities, good health, and meet the National Physical Exercise standards;

4Actively participate in activities organized by schools and party groups, social practice, scientific and technological innovation and other public welfare activities, and strive to do a good job in social work。Love labor, care about the collective, unity, help students, with wholeheartedly serve the people's outlook on life and career outlook;



Won more than two (including two) level scholarships (national scholarship, first, second and third level scholarships);





3The selection time and quota of outstanding college graduates of ordinary colleges and universities in Guizhou Province shall be subject to the documents issued by the provincial Department of Education。



1Adhere to the four Cardinal principles and love the socialist motherland;。Determined to serve the cause of socialism;Abide by national laws and school rules and disciplines, abide by the Code of Conduct for Students of Colleges and Universities, and dare to fight against undesirable phenomena;Have good moral cultivation。

2Clear learning purpose, correct attitude, love the major;Study hard, have a strong ability to analyze and solve problems, excellent grades, in principle, all passing subjects;Actively participate in extracurricular academic activities and scientific and technological activities, and have made certain achievements。



5During the school period, he won more than twice (including twice) Merit student, excellent student cadre, excellent League leader, excellent Communist Youth League member, and Top ten college students。


School-level outstanding university graduates are recommended by counselors and class teachers according to the selection conditions, the class is reported to each department after the publicity, and the publicity is reported to the Academy's evaluation and award office for unified review, and after the review is qualified, it is reviewed by the Academy's evaluation and award committee, and there is no objection to the publication of the list。



第十六条  The selection conditions and methods of outstanding Communist Party members, Top ten college students, outstanding League leaders, outstanding Communist Youth League members and outstanding individuals in social practice shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of relevant departments。

第六章  附 则

第十七条  The selection rules of national scholarship and national Encouragement Scholarship are not listed in these Measures and shall be formulated and implemented by the College separately。

第十八条  本办法所列各类奖项的评定由院评优评奖委员会统一负责,各系按评定细则组织实施,严格按照条件评定,不得随意降低或提高标准,在评审过程中,如有弄虚作假者,一经查实,追究当事人及相关负责人责任,对于造假者两年内不得参与奖学金的评定,并给予相应纪律处分。

第十九条  各类奖项评定时使用的加权平均分对非分数成绩按“优”为95分、“良”为85分、“中”为75分、“及格”为65分、“不及格”为55分折算。

第二十条  评奖学年受到通报批评、违纪处分者,取消其评优评奖资格。

第二十一条  评奖学年缓考科目超过该学年应考科目总数1/3的学生,无评优评奖资格。

第二十二条  凡未缴清学费及学校相关费用者,无评优评奖资格。

第二十三条  Outstanding student scholarship, individual scholarship, study progress scholarship and academic research scholarship cannot be applied for twice, but one honorary title can be applied for at the same time。

第二十四条  Honorary titles such as Merit Student, Outstanding Student leader, and sports and sports activist cannot be applied for at the same time, but one scholarship can be applied for at the same time。

第二十五条  Winners of various awards can apply for national grants, student temporary hardship grants and other social aid at the same time。

第二十六条  本办法由学生科负责解释,具体评选要求以当年评优评奖细则为准。

第二十七条  本办法自公布之日起执行。


