The implementation Measures of the Communist Youth League Committee of Mingde College of Guizhou University recommending excellent members as the development object of the Party (Latest version)
来源:  作者:  编辑:Student affairs office  日期:2018-07-26  Click rate:10325  [I want to print]  [关闭]


Key words:


Act 1    

Article one  In order to further improve the work of developing party members among the members of the Communist Youth League in our school, these measures are formulated in accordance with the spirit of the document of the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League on Further Improving the work of Excellent League Members as the object of the Party's Development and in combination with the actual situation of our school。

Article 2  The Communist Youth League of China is an advanced mass organization of young people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. It is the assistant and reserve army of the Communist Party of China, and it is an honorable task entrusted to the Communist Youth League by the Party to recommend outstanding league members for the development of the Party。

Article 3  Recommend excellent league members as the party's development object work (hereinafter referred to as"Promote" work),要以邓小平理论和The important thought of Three Represents为指导,Adhere to the Party's basic line,Strive to absorb excellent league members into the Party organization,Enrich the Party's new forces,We will strengthen the ranks of Party members,Further stimulate the political enthusiasm of the youth members,Enhance the attractiveness and cohesion of the Communist Youth League organization。

Article 4  School Youth League Committee was establishedThe "promotion" work leading group guides the Youth League organizations at all levels to carry out the "promotion" work, the secretary of the school Youth League Committee is the leader of the leading group, the minister of the organization Department of the School Youth League Committee is the deputy leader, and the secretary of the general branch of the Youth League of each hospital (department) is the member。

Article 5  In principle, students must be recommended by the league organization to join the Party。"Promotion" is the main channel for party organizations to develop young party members, and it is the main source for excellent league members to become party organizations to develop young party members。

Act 2  Objects and conditions

Article 6  League organization to party organization"Promotion", we must adhere to the basic conditions of Party members stipulated in the Party Constitution, accurately understand and grasp the characteristics of The Times of party members' standards, and truly recommend outstanding members to the party organization。

Article 7  The target of "promotion" is: all members of Mingde College of Guizhou University over the age of 18。

Article VIII  "Promotion" conditions:

(一)能认真学习邓小平理论和The important thought of "Three Represents" shall be observed by the Party's Constitution, supported by the Party's program, studied and familiarized with the Party's basic knowledge, and supported and implemented the Party's line, principles and policies。

(2) Ideological progress, volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, have submitted an application for party membership to the Party organization, participate in Youth League school training and obtain a certificate of completion。

(3) Abide by the charter of the league, pay the league fees on time, actively participate in the activities organized by the league, consciously fulfill the obligations of the league members, play the vanguard role of the league members, and have a good mass foundation。

(4) Have a consciousness of serving the people wholeheartedly, a clear learning purpose, a serious study, outstanding achievements, a strong sense of responsibility, and a willingness to contribute;  

(5) Strictly abide by various laws and regulations of the school, without any violation of discipline and punishment。

The ninth article  Those who fall under the following circumstances can be recommended first:

(1) Advanced individuals awarded by the national or provincial level;

(二)Be awarded excellent by the schoolHonorary titles such as "Three Good Student", Excellent Student Cadre, sports and sports activist, Excellent Communist Youth League cadre, Excellent Communist Youth League member, excellent Volunteer cadre, excellent volunteer, excellent community cadre, excellent Art Troupe cadre, excellent Art troupe member, Advanced individual in social practice;

(C) at all levels (national, provincial) college students extracurricular academic scientific and technological works competition, college students entrepreneurship plan competition and other scientific and technological innovation activities;

(4) the main backbone of various advanced collectives commended by the province and the university and the members who play a major role in them; 

(5) Members with outstanding performance in one aspect, such as heroism, helping others, and giving love。

Article ten  Those who have been punished on campus or within the league during the school period will not be allowed for at least one year“推优”。If it is determined to be the object of "promotion" and punished by the school, the qualification of "promotion" will be cancelled。 


Act 3  Recommended procedure

Article 11  The "promotion" work is usually carried out twice a semester。According to the "promotion" conditions, the league branch committee shall draw up the list of recommended candidate members meeting the "promotion" conditions。

Article 12  The league branch holds a league member conference, and the number of participants in the league member conference shall exceed two-thirds of the total number of members in the branch, and those who are absent without reason shall be given league disciplinary punishment。All the members are in agreementThe members who "promote" the conditions are evaluated democratically。Democratic evaluation shall be carried out according to the following procedures:

(1) The branch committee introduces the information of the members who apply for Party membership;

(2) Members applying for Party membership make a personal summary;

(3) The members attending the meeting shall conduct democratic evaluation and democratic voting on the members applying for Party membership, and the votes cast shall be more than half of the members attending the meeting"Promote" candidates。

Article 13  If a member is "promoted", the democratic vote of approval shall exceed half of the number of members who should attend the meeting。League branch committee according to the usual investigation situation, with reference to the democratic evaluation and voting results, the league branch committee should write out the recommendation of the "promotion" candidate and report it to the higher level of the league organization for approval。To be "promoted" members need to go through the studyAmateur party school training。确定After the "promotion" list, fill in the "Communist Youth League Mingde College Committee of Guizhou University recommended Party activists Registration Form" and report团委。Registration form in duplicate, each school league committee, school (department) party branch to retain a copy, the summary list to the school league committee retained。

Article 14  The league members transferred from other units to our school have been organized by the original unitIf the "promotion" object recommends to the Party organization, the recommendation is valid for one year。Those who have more than one year should still be "promoted" with other members.。


Act Four  Training work

Article 15  League organizations at all levels should, through publicity of the Party's line, principles and policies and in-depth and detailed ideological and political work, do a good job in training and education of league members, strive to raise their awareness of the Party, and constantly expand the number of active members of the Party。

Article 16  League organizations at all levels should pass through league schools, party schools and other carriers,The Party's history, the Party's basic theoretical knowledge, the Party's basic line, and the Party's fine tradition and style of work are educated to the activists who request to join the Party,Help them correct their motives for joining the Party,Establish the belief of contributing to the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics and striving for the cause of communism for life。

Article 17  League organizations at all levels should further implement the right"Promote" the training and education of the object, often understand their thinking, study, work and life, timely help education, which has been listed as a key training object, youth league organizations at all levels to carry out centralized training for them, and assign special personnel to contact。

Article 18  League organizations at all levels should be centered around"Promotion" work, actively carry out thematic education activities among active Party members, and actively create an environment and conditions for them to practice, promote their growth and improvement, so that they can be educated, grow in ability and make contributions in the activities。


Chapter Five  Job requirement

Article 19  The school Youth League committee should attach great importance to it"Promotion" work, strengthen leadership, take the initiative to care for and guide the Youth League organization to carry out the "promotion" work, and actively help the Youth League organization to solve the difficulties and problems encountered in the "promotion" work。Inspect the "promotion" work once a year, sum up experience, do a good job of implementation, and promote the healthy development of "promotion" work。

Article 20  The general branch of the Youth League of each hospital (department) should strengthen the rightThe guidance of "promoting" work is included in the scope of daily work assessment of the group。Often study the new situation and new problems in the "promotion" work, and take the initiative to win the support and help of the Party organization。

Article 21  The Youth League branch must insist on proceeding from reality and constantly summarizeThe "promotion" work should be gradually proceedalized, institutionalized, democratized, and scientific。

Article 22  Strengthen the training and education of league members, improve the ideological and political quality of league members, and guide outstanding youth league members to actively apply for joining Party organizations。

Article 23  Members who actively apply for Party membership but whose conditions are not yet mature should continue to be trained。The youth league organization should continue to love them, care about them, encourage them to overcome their shortcomings, and recommend them to the Party organization in a timely manner when conditions are ripe to prevent one-sided pursuit of the number of recommendations。


Act 6    

Article 24  These measures shall be interpreted by the Committee of Mingde College of Guizhou University of the Communist Youth League。

Article 25  These Measures shall be implemented as of the date of promulgation。



Communist Youth League Committee of Guizhou University Mingde College May fourth Red Flag Youth League branch, excellent Youth League branch, excellent Communist Youth League members, excellent Communist Youth League cadres, excellent league workers author selection method

Act 1  "May fourth Red Flag Group general branch" selection method

Article one  Selection condition

(1) Conscientiously study, publicize and implement the spirit of Party documents and current policies, and actively organize league branches to study the Party Constitution, Marxism-Leninism, and Marxist theory with Chinese characteristics;In conjunction with major festivals and anniversaries, we actively organize and carry out various forms of patriotic, collectivist and socialist education;

(2) The affiliated branch team is sound, scheduled to change, democratic election, and actively guide and serve students;The league branch is set up reasonably;The daily work system of the Youth League branch is sound and can carry out activities normally;Be able to do a good job in the education, management and reward and punishment of league members;

(3) The Student union has a sound and standardized organization, can effectively carry out various work, and has influence and appeal among students;The number of cadres who regularly hold student congress to participate in the student union is large;

(4) Actively carry out literary and artistic activities, and organize art activities of high quality and many times each year;

(5) Actively organize students to carry out extracurricular knowledge learning, academic exchanges, scientific and technological creation, entrepreneurial design and other activities to cultivate students' innovative spirit and promote the improvement of students' creative ability;Actively organize students to participate in activities such asThe "Challenge Cup" extracurricular academic Science and technology works competition for college students, the Great Wisdom Cup Financial Challenge Competition and the Creation of Youth College Students Entrepreneurship Competition have taken effective measures and won good awards;

(6) Organize and guide students to carry out various forms of social practice activities in combination with professional characteristics and students' ideological status, so as to create conditions for enhancing students' social responsibility and social adaptability;Actively organize and carry out youth volunteer activities, and constantly expand the service field;

(7) Be able to collect the league fees on time;

(8) Be able to independently carry out a variety of innovative activities to form their own characteristics and brands;

(9) Conscientiously complete the work assigned by the school Youth League Committee。

Article 2  Wherever you getThe organization of "May Fourth Red Flag Youth League General Branch", May fourth Red Flag Youth League General Branch can give priority to participate in or undertake the relevant activities organized by the school Youth League committee;The General branch of the May Fourth Red Flag Youth League is selected once every academic year, and the quota and procedure are determined by the school Youth League committee according to the situation of the year。


Act 2  Excellent Youth League Branch selection Method (new)

Article 3  Selection condition

(一)团支部能认真组织带领支部团员青年学习马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和The important thought of "Three Represents", study and practice the scientific outlook on development;Ideological construction effect is good, can seriously complete the learning tasks arranged by the superior league;Able to combine theory with practice, organize ideological discussion and theoretical study regularly;

(2) a positive enterprising, united upward, law-abiding, love the collective, vigorous, civilized and healthy class spirit;Branch members have no disciplinary violations and no punishment;

(3) The branch learning atmosphere is strong, all members work hard, and the overall performance is good。The class attendance rate is good, the teacher has a good evaluation of the class style, and all the members of the branch have a good examination style;

(4) The league branch team is sound, the branch committee has clear responsibilities and is skilled in business;Periodic general elections;Detailed and complete daily work records;The work system and assessment system are sound;

(5) Organize at least the youth League activities for the whole academic yearEight times, and it was well documented。Various forms of organizational life, rich content, with good thinking, inspiring, active participation of members, high quality activities;

(6) The branch can pay the tour fee in full and on time;

(7) The branch regularly develops new members and party organizations"Promotion" plan, the work carried out effectively;

(8) The branch can actively carry out useful social practices, campus cultural and scientific activities and volunteer activities around the work of the Party and league center, and effectively improve the comprehensive quality of the youth members。

Article 4  The outstanding League branch is selected once every academic year, and the number and procedure of the selection are determined by the school League committee that year。


Act 3  Methods for selecting outstanding Communist Youth League members of Mingde College, Guizhou University

Article 5  Entry criteria

(一)坚持四项基本原则,具有坚定正确的政治方向,坚持党的路线方针政策,认真学习马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和The important thought of "Three Represents", study and practice the scientific outlook on development, earnestly implement the resolutions of the party and league organizations, and play an exemplary role in the majority of members。

(二Actively expand and improve their comprehensive quality, especially ideological, political and cultural quality。Actively advocate good school spirit, study style and examination style, and play a leading role in the students。

(3) Study hard, diligent in research, good at thinking, excellent grades, comprehensive assessment of the academic year listed before this class1/3. No more than 1 subject should be retaken or retaken in the academic year。Actively participate in physical exercise to meet the college students' physical exercise qualification standards。

(4) have good moral character and good civilized behavior, model to observe school discipline and school rules, and have not received any punishment in the academic year;Respect teachers, unite students, care about the collective, help others, outstanding performance in the construction of campus culture。

(5) Good at learning and absorbing new knowledge,Have strong practical ability,The ability to apply knowledge to solve specific problems;Pioneering and innovative spirit, actively participate in labor exercise, actively participate in various forms of voluntary service activities carried out by schools and social welfare organizations,Have a healthy physical quality, good hygiene habits and mental quality。

(6) Actively participate in the life of the league organization and the activities of the league branch, without absence without reason, and actively perform in the activities and play an exemplary role in leading the way。Actively assist the work of the league branch and the superior league organization, and earnestly complete the tasks assigned by the league branch and the superior league organization。

(7) Become a registered volunteer and regularly participate in volunteer services

Article 6  Outstanding Communist Youth League members are selected once every academic year, and the number and procedure of the selection are determined by the school Youth League Committee in the year, and the commendation is carried out during the May Fourth period of each year。


Act Four  Methods for selecting outstanding Communist Youth League cadres of Mingde College, Guizhou University

Article 7  Entry criteria

(一)坚持四项基本原则,具有坚定正确的政治方向,坚持党的路线方针政策,认真学习马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和The important thought of "Three Represents", study and practice the scientific outlook on development, earnestly implement the resolutions of the party and league organizations, and play an exemplary role in the majority of members。

(2) Actively expand and improve their overall quality, especially ideological, political and cultural quality。Actively advocate good school spirit, study style and examination style, and play a leading role in the students。

(3) Study hard, diligent in research, good at thinking, excellent academic performance, comprehensive assessment listed before the class1/2. No more than 2 courses should be retaken or retaken in the academic year。Actively participate in physical exercise to meet the college students' physical exercise qualification standards。

(4) have good moral character and good civilized behavior, model observance of school discipline and regulations, and have not received any punishment;Respect teachers, unite students, care about the collective, help others, outstanding performance in the construction of campus culture。

(5) Good at learning and absorbing new knowledge, have strong practical ability, can use the knowledge to solve specific problems;Pioneering and innovative spirit, actively participate in labor exercise, volunteer activities, social practice activities and recreational sports activities, etc., have a healthy physical quality, good health habits and psychological quality。

6. Keeping close ties with young people,Keen to serve the youth,Have a strong sense of professionalism and responsibility,Strong organization and coordination ability,Be able to take the initiative to undertake certain social work,Have both virtue and ability, character and academic excellence,Solid style,Strong sense of organization and teamwork,He has high prestige among his classmates,Can act as a model backbone。Serve as a league leader for at least one year。

(7) Become a registered volunteer and regularly participate in volunteer services。

Article VIII  Outstanding Communist Youth League cadres are selected once every academic year, and the number and procedure of the selection are determined by the school Youth League Committee in the year, and the commendation is carried out during the May Fourth period every year。


Chapter Five  Guizhou University Mingde College excellent team worker author selection method

The ninth article  Teachers who have worked in the Communist Youth League for more than one year (including one year)。

Article ten  具有坚定的思想政治方向,Adhere to the Party's basic line和教育方针,认真学习马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和The important thought of Three Represents。

Article 11  Love their work, have good moral quality and good civilized behavior, in the study, work and life is the example of youth, can play a leading role。

Article 12  Able to keep close contact with youth members, care about students, love the collective;Work hard, have a strong sense of professionalism, responsibility, have a strong organization and coordination ability and work ability, solid style of work, a model for others, incorruptible self-discipline。

Article 13  Be able to carry out work creatively and complete the tasks assigned by the superior league organization on time and in good quality。

Article 14  Where the youth League branchIn the school groupThe various activities of the organization have won more awards and have a greater impact。

Article 15  In the annual assessment of the school Youth League committee, the Youth League branch won the above gradesThe title of "May 4th Red Flag League Branch of Mingde College of Guizhou University" is preferred。

Article 16  Outstanding league worker authors are selected once every academic year, and the number and procedure of the selection are determined by the school Youth League Committee in the year, and the commendation is carried out during the May Fourth period of each year。


Act 6    

Article 17  These measures shall be implemented as of the date of promulgation, and the Committee of Mingde College of Guizhou University of the Communist Youth League shall have the right of final interpretation。





Methods for selection of Outstanding Volunteer cadres, outstanding volunteers, outstanding associations, outstanding community cadres, outstanding art troupe cadres and outstanding art troupe members of Mingde College of Guizhou University

Act 1  Outstanding volunteer cadre selection

Article one  Entry criteria

(一)Love the motherland, support the leadership of the Communist Party of China,坚持四项基本原则,具有正确且坚定的思想政治方向,坚持党的路线方针政策,认真学习马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和The important thought of "Three Represents", study and practice the scientific outlook on development, and play an exemplary role in the vast number of volunteers。

(二)Comply with the rules and regulations of the Youth Volunteer AssociationObey the arrangements of the organization, pursue the spirit of "dedication, friendship, mutual assistance, and progress", provide civilized service, and consciously maintain the good image of young volunteers。

(2) Actively expand and improve their overall quality, especially ideological, political and cultural quality。Actively advocate good school spirit, study style and examination style, and play a leading role in the students。

(3) study hard, be diligent in research, be good at thinking, have good academic performance and pass the exam;

(4) have good moral character and good civilized behavior, model to observe school discipline and school rules, and have not been punished during the school year;Respect teachers, unite students, care about the collective, help others, outstanding performance in the process of volunteer service。

(5) Good at learning and absorbing new knowledge,Have strong practical ability,The ability to apply knowledge to solve specific problems;Pioneering and innovative spirit, actively participate in labor exercise, actively participate in various forms of voluntary service activities carried out by schools and social welfare organizations,Have a healthy physical quality, good hygiene habits and mental quality。

(6) Have a strong dedication, pioneering spirit and organizational management ability, can take the initiative to undertake a certain degree of social work, integrity and ability, quality and academic excellence, organizational discipline and collective concept is strong, has a high reputation among students, can play a role as a model backbone。Serve as a volunteer organization leader for more than one academic year。

(7) The number of hours of registration service in the current school year shall not be less than20小时。

Article 2  Outstanding volunteer cadres are selected once a year, and the selection procedure and number are determined by the school Youth League Committee that year。


Act 2  Outstanding volunteer selection

Article 3  Entry criteria

(一)Love the motherland, support the leadership of the Communist Party of China坚持四项基本原则,具有正确且坚定的政治方向,坚持党的路线方针政策,认真学习马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和The important thought of "Three Represents", study and practice the scientific Outlook on development,Law-abiding, positive thinking,It can play an exemplary role in the majority of young volunteers。

(二)Comply with the rules and regulations of the Youth Volunteer AssociationObey the arrangements of the organization, pursue the spirit of "dedication, friendship, mutual assistance, and progress", provide civilized service, and consciously maintain the good image of young volunteers。

(2) Actively expand and improve their overall quality, especially ideological, political and cultural quality。Actively advocate good school spirit, study style and examination style, and play a leading role in the students。

(3) Study hard and get qualified grades。Actively participate in physical exercise to meet the college students' physical exercise qualification standards。

(4) have good moral character and good civilized behavior, model to observe school discipline and school rules, and have not been punished during the school year;Respect teachers, unite students, care about the collective, help others, in the process of volunteer service has outstanding performance。

(5) Good at learning and absorbing new knowledge,Have strong practical ability,The ability to apply knowledge to solve specific problems;Pioneering and innovative spirit, actively participate in labor exercise, actively participate in various forms of voluntary service activities carried out by schools and social welfare organizations,Have a healthy physical quality, good hygiene habits and mental quality。

(6) To actively participate in volunteer service activities organized by schools, schools (departments) and other governments and organizations at all levels;Be active in your activitiesDedication, good service effect。

(7) No less than the number of registered volunteer service hours20小时。

Article 4  Outstanding volunteers are selected once a year, and the number and procedures of the selection are determined by the school Youth League Committee that year。


Act 3  Methods for selecting excellent societies

Article 5  Selection condition

(A) Registered in Mingde College Association Federation of Guizhou University, has a good foundation for development, can better achieve the common wishes of the members of the association, in strict accordance with the constitution and relevant regulations of the school to carry out activities, the quality of the association activities are influential, can represent the development level of the school's community;

(2) The materials of the association are sound and complete, including the nature of the association, the development of activities, the honors won, the number of members of the association, etc.;

(C) regularly carry out activities, and the effect is good, including the number of participants in the activity, the degree of media participation, the scene atmosphere, the influence of the activity, etc.;

(4) The organization and management of the association are good, and can ensure the implementation of the association's charter and system, and ensure the good operation of the association;

    (5) the financial situation of the association is good, including the books, the summary of financial details, the financial disclosure of the association, the construction of financial rules and regulations, etc.;

(6) the association has been established for more than one year;

(7) No complaints or violations of school-level school regulations;    

Article 6  The association federation will score the participating associations according to their activities, quality, frequency, routine and characteristic activities of the year;

Article 7  Excellent associationSelection once a year, the number of selection and procedures determined by the school Youth League committee。


Act Four  Selection of outstanding community cadres

Article VIII  Selection condition

    (1) the cadre of the association federation, the president of the association, the vice president, who has served for more than one academic year;

    (2) positive thinking, strict work, strictly abide by the association federation's constitution, no violations of discipline, the academic year has not been punished;

(3) Love the work of student associations, and actively participate in the work of associations, and earnestly complete the work assigned by the school Youth League committee and the association federation;

(4) learning attitude, hard work;

(5) Attend the regular work meetings of the community on time, perform well in the work, perform prominently during the term of office, and play an exemplary role;

Outstanding community cadres are selected once every academic year, and the number and procedure of selection are determined by the school Youth League Committee that year。


Chapter Five  Selection of outstanding art troupe cadres

Article ten  Selection condition                                                                (1) having a correct political orientation and supporting the Party's basic line;

(2) Have good moral character, respect teachers, unite students, and actively participate in various voluntary labor and public welfare activities;

(3) Be enthusiastic about social work and have a strong sense of responsibility;Study hard and seriously, the grades passed;

(4) abide by the rules and regulations of the college, and have not been punished in the award year;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

(5) serving as a cadre in the art troupe for more than one academic year (including the head, deputy head, principal and vice-captain of each team);

(6) Actively participate in the activities organized by the school Youth League Committee,Obey the work assigned by superiors,And the completion effect is good;Strong organization and coordination ability,Strong sense of unity and cooperation,Outstanding performance in the organization and activities of the regiment;Work conscientiously and responsibly,dedicated,Modest and prudent,Not proud or impetuous,Have a sense of collective honor;Unite students,It has a sound mass base。                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Article 11  The outstanding art troupe cadres are selected once every academic year, and the number and procedures of the selection are determined by the school Youth League committee that year。


Act 6  Outstanding art troupe member selection

    Article 12  Selection condition

(1) having a correct political orientation and supporting the Party's basic line;

(2) Have good moral character, respect teachers, unite students, and actively participate in various voluntary labor and public welfare activities;

(3) Be enthusiastic about social work and have a strong sense of responsibility;Study hard and seriously, the grades passed;

(4) abide by the rules and regulations of the college, and have not been punished in the award year;

(5) Members who have joined each department of the art troupe for more than one academic year;

(6) Actively participate in team training, semester attendance rate reachedMore than 90%;Actively participate in the activities organized by the school, the school (department), and strive to complete the work assigned by the superior, and have good performance;Work actively and seriously, not afraid of hardship and fatigue;Have a strong sense of collective honor, maintain the reputation of the college and the art troupe。

(7) Participate in the school performance activities have a good effect, on behalf of the school to participate in the competition won provincial, school level or above awards priority。

Article 13  Excellent art troupe member eachSelection once a year, the number of selection is determined by the school Youth League committee that year。



Article 14  These measures shall be implemented from the date of adoption, and the Communist Youth League Committee of Mingde College of Guizhou University, the Youth Volunteer Association of Mingde College of Guizhou University, the Association Federation of Mingde College of Guizhou University and the Art Troupe of Mingde College of Guizhou University shall have the final right of interpretation of these measures。




Measures for the management of student associations of Mingde College, Guizhou University

Act 1    

Article one  In order to regulate the management of student associations in our school, prosper campus cultural life, promote the construction of campus culture, improve the quality of students in our school, and promote the development of student associations in our school, the management measures are formulated according to the relevant national regulations and the Articles of Association of Student Associations of Mingde College of Guizhou University。

Article 2  As referred to in these administrative Measures"Student Association" refers to a mass student association voluntarily organized by students of our school who have the same interests and hobbies, with a clear purpose and purpose, in accordance with certain regulations and activity methods, after the application is approved, and all students in the school can apply for participation。

Article 3  Student associations must abide by the Constitution, laws, regulations and state policies, and abide by the rules and disciplines of Mingde College of Guizhou University

Article 4  Basic tasks of the Student club:

(1) To follow and implement the Party's educational policy, promote the all-round development of college students' moral, intellectual and physical, and cultivate and improve their comprehensive quality;

(2) To work hard for the prosperity of campus culture construction and comprehensively improve the comprehensive quality of college students;

(3) carry out healthy and beneficial, colorful extracurricular activities to serve and unite students;

(4) To carry out rich content, flexible form of club activities, fully tap the potential of students, cultivate interest, and promote the development of students' personality。

Article 5  As the joint management organization of various student associations in our university, the Student Association Federation is responsible for the registration, management, supervision and guidance of the school's associations under the direct guidance of the School Youth League Committee。

Article 6  The funds for the activities of the student association are obtained through other legal means such as applying for the activities funds of the association, accepting awards or gifts。The financial management of the association must abide by the financial system of the Student Association Federation of Mingde College of Guizhou University, and the funds of the association shall be centrally managed by the student association Federation of the university。

Article 7  The establishment of a student association shall be subject to pre-examination by the Student Association Federation of the university, review and record by the school Youth League Committee, deliberation and approval by the school leaders,That is to enter the preparatory and investigation stage, the investigation period is three months。After the expiration, mayTo register and complete the registration in accordance with the requirements of these measures。

Article 8 The members of the student association shall be full-time students with enrollment in Mingde College of Guizhou University。


Act 2  Establishment and registration of associations

Article VIII  Student associations in our school are divided into seven categories: theoretical learning, social science, academic science and technology, literature and art, voluntary service, sports and fitness, etc. All associations are required to apply according to the above categories when they are registered and established。A society can only register one type of application

The ninth article  After the preliminary examination of the student association Federation of the university, the review and record of the school Youth League committee, and the approval of the school leadership, the association will enter the preparatory and inspection stage, and the inspection period is three months。After the expiration of the term, the report shall be approved by the school Youth League Committee and registered and put on record by the student Association Federation of the university。

Article ten  To establish a student association, the following conditions shall be met:

(一)有More than 5 students jointly initiated, the initiator must have the basic quality necessary to carry out the activities of the club, and has not been punished by the school regulations;

(2) Having a standardized name。The name of the student association shall conform to the provisions of laws and regulations and shall not violate the campus civilization。The name of the student association should be consistent with its nature, accurately reflect its characteristics, without ambiguity;

(3) Having an appropriate organizational structure;

(4) There are staff members of the school as teachers of the association or there are fixed guidance units;

(5) having standardized articles of association;

(6) Having a standardized management system and a reward and punishment system;

(7) Activities without dangers and hidden dangers。

Article 11  To apply for preparation for the establishment of a student association, the sponsor shall submit the following documents to the Student Association Federation of the university for the record:

(1) Prepare the application form and the autograph of the initiator;

(2) Draft articles of association;

(3) the organizational structure and the list of persons to be held;

(4) The basic information of the initiator and the proposed person in charge, a copy of the ID card and a copy of the student ID card;

(5) The basic information of the instructor, a copy of his/her identity certificate, the opinions and certificates of his/her employment or guidance unit。

Article 12  The articles of association shall include the following:

(1) the name;

(2) The purpose, scope and method of activities;

(3) Categories of student associations;

(4) the qualifications of association members and their rights and obligations;

(5) democratic organization and management system, procedures for the creation of executive bodies and their powers;

(6) Principles for financial management and the use of funds;

(7) the conditions, powers and procedures for the appointment and removal of the person in charge;

(8) Procedures for amending the articles of association;

(9) Procedures for termination of the association。

Article 13  The instructor of the club should be a regular teacher of our school;The guiding unit of the association should be the relevant department or school (department), party and government department or research institution of our university。The instructor and supervisor should be familiar with the activities of the club and be able to guide its work。Student associations can employ experts, scholars, teachers, entrepreneurs and other experts inside and outside the school to serve as honorary positions in the associations, but the recruitment of external personnel must be approved by the school Youth League Committee in advance, and submit relevant identity information introduction and photocopies of certification materials, which are approved by the school Youth League Committee before relevant activities can be carried out, and the appointment certificate will be issued。

Article 14  The student association Federation of the university shall start from the date of receipt of all valid documents listed in Article 12 of these RegulationsWithin 7 working days, the preliminary decision will be made。If it passes the preliminary examination, it shall be submitted to the Youth League Committee for approval;If it fails to pass the preliminary examination, it shall explain the reasons to the sponsors。

Article 15  Under any of the following circumstances, the first examination shall not be passed:

(1) The purpose and scope of activities of the association applying for preparation are not in conformity with the provisions of Article 3 of these Measures;

(2) there are already student associations of the same or similar nature in the university, and the student association Federation of the university considers it unnecessary to establish them;

(3) Any of the initiators has been punished by school discipline and regulations;

(4) resorting to fraud when applying for preparation for establishment。

(5) The scope of activities of the association causes direct or indirect security risks to personal safety;

Article 16  The preparatory period of the student association shall beActivities are carried out under the name of "~ ~ Community (fundraising)"。During the preparatory period, the student association may recruit members. During the preparatory period, the student association must accept the management of the student association Federation of the university and strictly implement the provisions of the student Association Federation of the University。During the preparation period, the association is not a full member of the university student association Federation, and has no right to vote and be elected, but can participate in the association head (president) assembly, enjoy and perform other rights and obligations of the university student Association Federation full member units。

Article 17  The student association that has completed the inspection shall submit an application for formal registration to the student Association Federation of the university。For the societies that do not have the circumstances listed in Article 16 of this regulation and meet the requirements of the preparatory work, they shall be reported to and registered with the approval of the school Youth League Committee, and issued a "Student Association Registration Certificate of Mingde College of Guizhou University", and finally the Student Association Federation of the school will announce it on campus。

Registration matters include:

(1) the name;

(2) the time of its formal establishment;

(3) Types of associations;

(4) the person in charge of the association;

(5) Community guidance units and instructors。

Article 18  If registration is not approved, the student Association Federation of the university shall notify the applicant of the decision not to register in writing and explain the reasons to the applicant。


Act 3  Registration of change and cancellation of registration

Article 19  If the registration items of the student association need to be changed, it shall be after the occurrence of the causeWithin 7 working days, the student Association Federation of the university should apply for change registration。Any amendment to the articles of association of a student association shall be reported to the Student Association Federation of the university for approval within 7 working days。

Article 20  A student association under any of the following circumstances shall apply to the university student Association Federation for cancellation of registration:

(1) unable to fulfill the purposes stipulated in the articles of association of students;

(2) The dissolution is resolved by the general Assembly;

(3) division or merger;

(4) being ordered to cancel or dissolve;

(5) Termination due to other reasons。

Article 21  After the student association applies for cancellation of registration, the student association federation of the university shall organize the liquidation of its financial affairs。

Article 22  The student association shall start from the date of liquidationGo to the university student Association Federation to cancel registration within 7 working days。To register for cancellation, an application for cancellation and a liquidation report signed by the person in charge of the association and approved by the general assembly shall be submitted。After the application is approved by the school Youth League Committee for cancellation, the student association Federation of the university shall cancel the registration and recover the registration certificate of the student association。

Article 23  The remaining property of the student association after cancellation shall be incorporated into the management of the student association Federation of the university。

Article 24  The establishment, cancellation or change of the name of the student association or the change of the person in charge of the association shall be announced by the association federation。


Act Four  Student clubActivities and management

Article 25  The University Student Association Federation is responsible for the following supervision and management of student associations:

(1) To be responsible for the preparation and investigation of the association to be established;

(2) To be responsible for the registration and filing of the establishment, alteration and cancellation of student associations;

(3) Conducting semester inspection and registration of student associations;

(d) to review the application of the student association to hire personnel inside and outside the university for honorary positions;

(5) To manage the funds and revenues of all student associations in a unified manner;

(6) To supervise, inspect and deal with the problems of student associations violating the regulations of the management of the associations;

(7) Qualification examination, selection, assessment and evaluation of student association cadres;

(8) Conduct a comprehensive evaluation of student associations every academic year, and serve as the basis for the evaluation of outstanding associations of Mingde College of Guizhou University。

Article 26  The source of the student club's assets must be legal。Funds must be used for the activities specified in the Articles of Association, and no one may seize, privately divide or misappropriate the property of the student association。If a student association accepts donations or financial aid, it must disclose the donation and financial aid to all members of the association, report to the student association Federation of the university the relevant information of the donation and financial aid, and pay it to the student association Federation of the university as the activity fund of the association。

Article 27  The student association must abide by the financial management system of the Student Association Federation of the University and accept the supervision of the student Association Federation of the University and the University。Before the student association changes or changes the person in charge, the university student association Federation shall organize the financial audit of the student association。

Article 28  The student association shall register on time within the time limit prescribed by the student association Federation of the university。

Article 29  Student associations should be held every yearIn March and September, I submit the work report of the previous semester to the Student Association Federation of the university and accept the semester inspection。

Article 30  Student associations may not engraves official seals。

Article 31  Student club activities must be carried out in advance7 working days to report for approval。The application report and the activity budget report shall be approved by the guiding unit and the student association Federation of the university and approved by the school Youth League Committee before the activity can be carried out。The specific application procedures are:

(1) The person in charge of the association shall first go to the Student Association Federation of the university to receive the Approval Form for Student Association Activities of Mingde College of Guizhou University;

(2) After filling in the form, it shall be reviewed and approved by the supervising teacher or supervising unit;

(3) After examination by the student Association Federation of the university, it shall be submitted to the school Youth League Committee for approval;

(4) The form shall be in duplicate. One copy shall be submitted to the Student Association Federation and the other copy shall be kept by the student association;

(5) In case of emergency activities, you can directly seek the president of the student Association Federation of the school or the school Youth League Committee responsible for the corresponding teacher in charge of the community work directly for approval。

(六)Apply for activity funds, to be approved to the university student association federation Finance department to receive, and issued a loan slip, after the end of the activityWithin 7 working days, the financial staff of the student association shall go to the finance Department of the university Student Association Federation with the official invoice to cancel the previous loan slip;

Article 32  After the end of the student association activities, it is necessary to submit the summary of the activities and the final account of the activities to the office of the university student Union for record。

Article 33  The internal publications created by student associations must comply with national laws and regulations, school discipline rules and other relevant provisions。The compilation, printing and distribution of internal publications must be approved by the Student Association Federation of the university after examination by the school Youth League Committee。The student Association Federation of the University has the right to rectify and suspend the publication of the association in violation of the provisions of these Regulations。Publications within student associations are generally restricted to the campus

Article 34  Student associations may publicize their activities in various forms, such as posters, display boards, broadcasts, leaflets, and the Internet。Posters must be approved by the school Youth League Committee and stamped with the seal of Mingde College Student Association Federation of Guizhou University before being posted at the designated place。For posters that have not been approved and stamped, the university student Association Federation will remove them in accordance with regulations。The placement of the display board and the distribution of the leaflets must also be approved by the school Youth League Committee before they can be placed in the designated location and the distribution of the leaflets。The online propaganda content of the student association should be reviewed by the student association Federation of the university, and can be uploaded only after the approval of the school Youth League committee。

Article 35  The student association can only carry out propaganda outside the school after it has been approved by the school Youth League Committee and obtained the Letter of Introduction issued by the Student Association Federation。When the student association gives interviews on social media, it must be directed to the student association and must not speak in the name of the school or any department of the school。Statements made must focus on the purpose or content of the activities of the society。Violation of the rules, by the university student association federation to give a notice of criticism, such as bad social impact, by the relevant departments of the university in accordance with the relevant provisions of the association and the association in charge of serious treatment。

Article 36  When the student association is engaged in external liaison (meaning activities associated with an off-campus unit or organization) :

(1) A detailed activity application must be submitted to the university Student Association Federation in advance, and can only be carried out with the approval of the school Youth League Committee。If necessary, you can apply for a letter of introduction issued by the student Association Federation of the university;

(2) When conducting external liaison activities, the signatories must be true, the identity of the student association must be emphasized, and the activities must not be carried out in the name of its guiding unit or other units and organizations;

(3) When dealing with sponsorship or cooperation and other related matters with off-campus units or organizations, if it is necessary to sign a contract or agreement, it must be reported to the office of the Student Association Federation of the university and approved by the school Youth League Committee"Mingde College Student Association Federation of Guizhou University" in the name of the unit or organization to sign a contract or agreement。No association shall enter into any form of contract or agreement with any unit or organization outside the school。

(4) In violation of the above provisions, the student association Federation of the university will give a notice of criticism, if it causes a bad impact on the society, the relevant department of the university will seriously deal with the association and the person in charge of the association according to the relevant provisions。

Article 37  The membership fee charged by the student association when recruiting new students shall be charged in strict accordance with the amount specified in the Registration Certificate of the Student Association of Mingde College of Guizhou University, and the association shall not overcharge the fee。Clubs that need to charge excess fees for special reasons should submit an application to the Finance Department of the Student Association Federation for approval by the school Youth League Committee。The Finance Department of the University Student Association Federation will work with the research Department to do a good job of new members' letters and visits, and the societies and persons in charge who have financial irregularities in the recruitment of new students will be seriously dealt with in strict accordance with the relevant regulations once they are verified。


Chapter Five  The organization of the student society

Article 38  The composition of the organizations of the societies is as follows: in principle, the general assembly of members and the council (the number of members exceedsThe association of 100 people can be established), president, vice president (there must be a person in charge of finance), organization department, publicity department, finance department, and external relations Department。If it is really necessary to add other departments due to the characteristics of the association, a written application must be submitted to the Student Association Federation of the university, and the establishment can only be approved。

Article 39  The general assembly of the student association shall be composed of the members. The general assembly shall be the highest authority of the student association and shall exercise its functions and powers in accordance with the provisions of the articles of association。If conditions do not exist for the time being to hold a general meeting of members, a representative meeting of members may be held。

Article 40  The general Assembly shall exercise the following functions and powers:

(1) To elect and replace the heads of associations;

(2) To examine and approve the work report of the person in charge;

(3) To make decisions on matters such as alteration and cancellation of the association;

(4) amending the articles of association;

(5) To supervise the financial activities of the association;

(6) For major matters such as alteration, cancellation of registration and amendment of articles of association。

Article 41  The general assembly of the student association shall be held once every semester, and the resolutions formed by the general assembly shall be submitted to the student association federation of the university for approval and record。

Article 42  Resolutions made by the general Assembly must be approved by more than half of the members present at the meeting;Resolutions on changes, cancellations and amendments to the articles of association must be passed by more than two-thirds of the members present at the meeting。

Article 43  The student association shall have a president (chairman), and the association with a league branch shall have a league branch secretary, and a vice president in charge of finance. The above main cadres shall be recommended by the associations and democratically elected initially, and shall be submitted to the President of the university Student Association Federation for examination and approval and formally appointed by the university Student Association Federation in the form of documents。The student association shall have a number of vice presidents and directors nominated by the president (chairman) as appropriate

Article 44  The basic requirements for serving as the main person in charge of the student association:

(1) adhere to the four basic principles, have good political moral performance, have not been punished by school discipline and regulations;

(2) Love community work, have a high sense of responsibility, and have a certain organizational ability and management ability;

(3) Good academic performance;

(4) To join the association for more than six months (including six months), and to participate in the organization of the associationMore than 50% of the activities。

Article 45  The principal person in charge of the student association in any of the following circumstances will be removed by the Student Association Federation of the university:

(1) Violating the Constitution, laws and school discipline and regulations;

(2) those who violate the relevant regulations of the student Association Federation of the university;

(3) Unauthorized use of the name of the association for paid activities;

(D) responsible for the community or department has not been active for two months;

(5) Those who carry out activities without approval;

(6) the accounts of the societies for which he is responsible are unclear;

(7) those who harm the interests of the association they belong to;

(8) Those who attend the regular meeting of the association and the general meeting of the association leader held by the student association Federation of the university twice without reason, three times late or leave。For serious cases, the university student Association Federation will publish the list and send the results to the school Youth League committee and the school (department).

Article 46  The person in charge of the newly established student association shall be democratically elected by the initiator of the association and submitted to the university Student Association Federation for examination and approval。The term of office of each president (chairman) and vice president (in charge of finance) must be at least one year, otherwise it will not be recognized in the final cadre assessment, will not be issued a certificate of employment, and will recover the honor awarded when serving as the head of the association。

Article 47  Under any of the following circumstances, it is not appropriate to serve or continue to serve as the head of the student association, and it may be recalled by the general Assembly:

(A) during the school has been punished by school discipline and regulations;

(2) the person in charge of the association who has been removed from his post or the association has been declared dissolved or cancelled due to violation of relevant regulations and should bear the main responsibility;

(3) Other matters not suitable for serving as the person in charge of the association。


Act 6  Rights and obligations of student club members

Article 48  Our students are free to join or withdraw from any student association in accordance with its statutes。All members of the student association are equal in the enjoyment of rights and the performance of obligations。

Article 49  Members of the student association have the right to know the constitution, organizational structure and financial system of their association, and to make suggestions and questions about the management and activities of the association。

Article 50  If the person in charge of the executive body of the student association violates the relevant rules and regulations of the university and damages the interests of the members, the members of the association have the right to report the problem and situation to the student association Federation of the university。

Article 51  Members of the student association shall accept regular registration of the association and pay membership dues。

Article 52  Members of the student association shall have the right to vote and stand for election, and shall have the right to hold positions in the association in accordance with the articles of association and undertake corresponding obligations。

Article 53  The members of the student association shall actively participate in the activities of the association, and have the right to make criticisms and suggestions to the construction of the association, so as to promote the healthy development of the association。


Act 7  The reward and punishment system of the student association

Article 54  The Youth League Committee evaluates the student associations every year。The evaluation rules and standards of excellent societies and the certificate of excellent societies shall be separately stipulated by the school Youth League Committee。

Article 55  School Student Association Federation for the whole school association every yearIn mid-September, the registration and annual inspection system will be implemented, and comprehensive evaluation will be carried out with reference to the excellent evaluation results, and it will be used as an important reference standard for evaluating excellent societies。

Article 56  In any of the following circumstances, the student association federation of the university shall give a warning, a serious warning, a notice of criticism, a suspension of activities within a time limit for rectification, and may order the removal of the directly responsible person in charge of the association;If the circumstances are serious, it shall be revoked:

(1) The scope and content of activities are inconsistent with the purposes and articles of association;

(2) refusing to accept or failing to accept supervision and inspection in accordance with regulations;

(3) failing to handle registration or change registration in accordance with regulations;

(4) engaging in profit-making business activities;

(5) embezzling, privately dividing or misappropriating the assets of the association or the donations and subsidies received;

(6) collecting fees, raising funds or accepting or using donations or subsidies in violation of the regulations of the Student Association Federation of the University;

(7) The financial system is in disorder;

(8) failing to carry out annual inspection and registration within the prescribed time;

(9) Where the executive body of the association has committed serious violations of discipline;

(10) where a member of the association conducts activities in the name of the association;

(11) The executive body of the association shall know that any member has engaged in illegal activities in the name of the association;

(12) Lack of club members for two consecutive semesters15人的;

(13) The association does not carry out activities in one semester;

(14) Other acts in violation of the constitution of the University Student Association Federation and these Regulations。

(15) There are certain security risks in the conduct of community activities, and there have been casualties。

Article 57  Student association activities that violate laws and regulations shall be dealt with by the relevant authorities of the university according to law;If the relevant authorities of the university consider that the registration should be revoked, the student association federation of the university shall revoke the registration。

Article 58  If a student association, without approval, carries out preparatory activities for a student association, or carries out activities in the name of a student association without registration of a student association, or if a student association whose registration has been revoked continues to carry out activities in the name of a student association, the student association Federation of the university shall report to the relevant department of the university to ban it。

Article 59  If the student association is ordered to suspend its activities within a time limit for rectification, the Student Association Federation of the University shall seal its Student Association Registration Certificate of Mingde College of Guizhou University and freeze its activity funds。

Article 60  If the registration of a student association is revoked, the Student Association Federation of the University shall collect its Student Association Registration Certificate of Mingde College of Guizhou University.。   


Act 8    

Article 61  Amendments to these measures shall be proposed by all members of the presidium of the student Association Federation of the University, and shall be effective only after being approved by the plenary meeting of the Committee of Mingde College of Guizhou University of the Communist Youth League。

Article 62  These measures shall be formulated and interpreted by the Committee of Mingde College of Guizhou University of the Communist Youth League。

Article 63  These Measures shall come into force on the date of promulgation。



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