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来源:  作者:  编辑:Party and mass work  日期:2023-09-28  Click rate:8161  [I want to print]  [关闭]


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National excellent teacher representative SymposiumIt will be held in Beijing on September 9。中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平致信与会教师代表,向他们和全国广大教师及教育工作者致以节日的问候和诚挚的祝福。习近平总书记致全国优秀教师代表的信在Guiyang Institute of Information Technology引发热烈反响,现在一起来看!

Secretary of the Party Committee Guo Linhua

习近平总书记致信出席National excellent teacher representative Symposium的各位老师,充分体现了党中央对教育工作和教师队伍建设的高度重视。在信中,习近平总书记对全国广大教师长期以来的工作给予了充分肯定,并深刻阐释了教育家精神的丰富内涵和实践要求。As an educator, I feel warm and deeply encouraged, we should deeply study and understand, continue to practice the implementation of the important instructions of the General secretary, take educators as an example, vigorously promote the spirit of educators, keep in mind the original mission of educating people for the Party and educating talents for the country, and establish"Cultivate the altar、强国有我”的志向和抱负,努力落实立德树人根本任务,做到安心从教、热心从教、静心从教,把学习贯彻习近平总书记教师节重要指示精神贯彻到学校各项工作中去,引导广大教师将教育家精神作为共同价值追求。

Education is a great undertaking。I am convinced that as long as we calm down, focus on planning career development, gather talents and train, have the courage to take on responsibilities, and maintain the spirit of hard work and positive progressWith the school motto of "good reason, good virtue and good responsibility", the school strives to do its own work well, actively participates in regional economic and social development services, and engages in the practice of Chinese-style modernization construction, so that the cause of the school can flourish and climb to the peak。
    Department of Ideological and political Education Penminth

在第39个教师节到来之际,习近平总书记专门给National excellent teacher representative Symposium与会教师致信,充分肯定了广大教师的重要贡献,并号召全国广大教师以教育家为榜样,大力弘扬教育家精神,为强国建设、民族复兴伟业作出新的更大贡献。我作为一名新时代高校思想政治理论课教师,从习近平总书记在教师节给全国优秀教师代表的致信中受到了极大的鼓舞。Through in-depth study and understanding of the spirit of important instructions, I truly realize that the spirit of educators is an "education rich mine" worthy of in-depth exploration, and can become a valuable wealth leading the development of teachers。I am deeply aware of the responsibility of carrying out the fundamental task of building virtuous people,Enhance sense of responsibility,With the "education dream",The impulse to hold the ideal forever,Pursue ideal education with educational ideals,Wisdom Searching for the "Golden Section Point" between educational ideal and Educational Reality,Combined with the high quality development of private colleges and universities,I try to start from the following points: a good image as a teacher,Pursue perfect self-cultivation,A gesture of graceful behavior,A coordinated sense of equal cooperation,A tolerant and agreeable manner of peace。

Department of Ideological and political Education Tan Weihua

As a full-time ideological and political course teacher, should be sincere and dedicated, willing to serve as a ladder, willing to contribute。习近平总书记在I was greatly encouraged by my letter to the representatives of outstanding teachers on the 39th Teachers' Day in 2023。习近平总书记的关怀,不仅是对教师队伍的肯定,也为我们未来的奋斗指明了方向。In the process of deeply learning the spirit of instruction, I deeply realize my own responsibility, in the future work, I will give full play to my personal value, and strive to be a diligent teacher。Today, with the rapid development of knowledge, as a ideological and political teacher in the new era, we should boldly explore, bravely explore, comprehensively improve our scientific literacy and professional accomplishment, guide students with correct "three views", shape students with excellent style, and inspire students with excellent personality charm。在今后的工作、学习、生活中,我将遵从习总书记的教诲,公平公正地对待每一名学生,做学生的良师益友,做全球十大外围足球平台道路上的引领者,以身作则做好示范,培养学生良好品行,促进学生多方面的发展。

School office Qiao Hongbo

A hundred years plan, education as the foundation, as a teacher, teaching and educating people。The theme of this year's Teachers' Day is: Cultivate the teaching altar, strong state me。习近平总书记深刻阐释了教育家精神的丰富内涵和实践要求,让我充分认识到作为一名教师的责任与使命,教育是一朵云触碰另一朵云、一颗心温暖另一颗心的过程,我们年轻教师要以人民教育家为榜样,牢固树立"Cultivate the altar,Strong country "me" ambition and ambition,To be a thoughtful, warm educator,Firmly foster the ideals and beliefs of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Strive to become a teacher who is loved by students and satisfied by the people;To be a feeling, responsible guide,Take the lead in practicing core socialist values,Guide students to buckle the first button of life;Be a giver of ideas and knowledge,Firmly establish the concept of lifelong learning,Update knowledge,Continuous improvement of business capabilities and education and teaching quality,Strive to become a professional, students love high-quality teachers;To be a moral, self-disciplined practitioner,Take teachers' ethics as the first lesson and a lifelong compulsory course,Strive to become the moral benchmark and character model in the minds of students。On the new journey of building a strong country and national rejuvenation, strive to become a "big Mr." that enlighten the mind and inherits civilization.。 

Party and mass work Department 李慧

The people's teachers have no greater glory。"Three inches of chalk, three feet podium is national luck;A sweet heart, a lifetime of candles cast the soul of the people。”习总书记对广大教师的殷切希望让我明白,A good people's teacher needs to have the following qualities,First, we should think deeply about the mission and responsibility of teachers in the new era,Deeply understand the significance of teachers as "the foundation of education and the source of education",Establish the ambition and ambition of "cultivating the education circle and strengthening the country";Second, we should establish "live to be old.,Lifelong learning philosophy,Keep looking for new ideas,Improve their own knowledge level and teaching ability;The third is to teach the soul of the caster according to his aptitude,Try to find the students' strengths,Explore diversified teaching methods,Help them broaden their life experience;Fourth, we must adhere to the first standard of teachers' ethics,We will not touch the red line of teacher ethics and education corruption,With the wind is promoting prosperity;The fifth is to inherit and carry forward "holding a heart,Take no grass with you "spirit,Care for students,Grasp what students think,Actively guide them to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life, values。

Student affairs office 杨亮

习近平总书记在给全国优秀教师代表的致信中提到的"Educator spirit", I am deeply inspired, but also feel the responsibility。As college teachers, our job is not only to teach them knowledge, but also to teach them how to think, how to learn, how to grow。We should always bear in mind our identity as teachers, pay attention to the growth and development of students, and guide them to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values。At the same time, education is also an art, to continue to explore and practice, to maintain the love of education and responsibility。We should always keep a curious heart, and constantly learn and update our knowledge and teaching methods。Only through continuous learning and progress can students be better guided and their teaching mission be better accomplished。In university teaching, we often need to cooperate with other teachers to carry out research projects and build teaching teams。In teaching, we also need to support and help each other。A warm encouragement, a warm reminder, can help us do our work better。The cause of education requires us to join hands and work together to create a hopeful and dynamic future。

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