Guiyang Information Science and Technology Institute anti-terrorism emergency response plan
来源:Security department  作者:  编辑:Security office  日期:2023-05-08  Click rate:755  [I want to print]  [关闭]


Key words:

To create a good and safe campus atmosphere, maintain学校Normal education and teaching order to ensure the safety of life and property of teachers, students and employees,Ensure school safetyIn accordance with the spirit of the document of the Provincial Department of Education on strengthening the Anti-terrorism and anti-riot Emergency Response Plan for the Education System of Guizhou Province, it has been comprehensively improved学校应对Anti-terrorism and riot controlAbility, combined with the actual situation, specially formulated学校Anti-terrorism and riot control处置预案

1. Guiding ideology

It's a crowded place. LearnThe security and stability of thousands of households。In order to effectively prevent, timely control and eliminate the harm of major campus emergencies, ensure the health and life safety of teachers and students, and maintain学校Normal order of education and teaching,学校Attach great importance to, strengthen leadership, careful organization, careful arrangements to prevent the occurrence of safety accidents。At the same time, conscientiously organize and carry out"Anti-terrorism and Anti-riot, Self-protection" series of education, namely "anti-riot, anti-gas, anti-hijacking, anti-explosion" anti-terrorism and anti-riot as the content of public safety education activities, to carry out emergency drill activities, improve the self-protection and self-rescue ability of teachers and students, to ensure the normal education and teaching work

2. Job requirements

(a) Conscientiously implement the spirit of the relevant documents of the provincial Department of Education, improve the awareness of the importance and necessity of school security work, put school security work on the very important work agenda, and really grasp it。Strengthen school safety investigation and safety management to ensure the safety of teachers and students。

(2) The main leaders of the school are responsible for the overall responsibility for the security work of the school, and the responsible leaders (including the person in charge) shall be directly responsible for the security work of the school。

(3) Conduct legal education for all teachers and students, and strengthen the legal concept of teachers and students。

(4) Formulate anti-terrorism and anti-riot security plans to prepare in advance for various possible violent and terrorist emergencies。

5. Strengthen security at doormen。It is necessary to strengthen the strength of the guard, implement the duties of the guard, and strictly implement them24-hour duty, patrol system, resolutely put an end to strangers into the campus。

(6) Strengthen the construction of intelligence information channels to ensure that intelligence information is obtained accurately in the first time。

(7) Strengthening food safety testing。The school canteen strictly implements the food source registration, certification system and food sample retention system, strengthens the food safety testing work, strictly manages, and prohibits strangers from entering the school canteen。

(8) Strengthen anti-explosion and anti-burning work in crowded places such as teaching buildings and dormitories。To strengthen the security patrol work, focus on strengthening the canteen, dormitory, classroom and other crowded places of inspection, do not let any suspicious people into the important places, and effectively strengthen the anti-explosion, anti-burning, anti-poisoning work in all important places of the school。

3. Organization

(1) Leading group

In order to effectively strengthen the leadership of anti-terrorism and anti-riot work in our school, a leading group for anti-terrorism and anti-riot work has been established to organize and lead the anti-terrorism and anti-riot work of the whole school。

组   长: Secretary of the Party Committee 校长

Executive deputy leader: responsible for safety school leaders

Deputy Group leader: Other school leaders

   Staff: Heads of departments and departments

(2) Responsibilities of the leading group

1.Responsible for the school anti-terrorism anti-riot civil air defense, technical defense, physical defense, joint defense and other preparatory work。

2.Responsible for the organization of daily security work, do a good job of supervision, to ensure that all preventive measures are in place。

3.The school should rush to the scene at the first time after the occurrence or receipt of an emergency report, initiate emergency plans, command rescue operations, and timely report to the public security, traffic police, health, fire and other relevant departments and request assistance。

4.The school shall be responsible for reporting the work to the superior and the competent department in case of emergencies or suspicious persons and articles。

5.Responsible for dealing with the aftermath of an emergency in the school。

(3) Working principles

本着The principle of "control first, then dispose, save first, reduce loss", resolutely deal with the active rescue and direct the teachers and students at the scene to leave the dangerous area, protect the school valuables, maintain the order of the scene and do a good job in the protection of the accident site, do a good job in the aftermath, and report to the superior and competent authorities in a timely manner according to the regulations。

Four, the leading group consists of seven groups

(1) Leading Group Office Group

The office of the leading group is located in the security Department, and the school leader in charge of security is also the director of the office, and the person in charge of the Security Department, the Party and Mass Work Department, the infrastructure assets Department, and the Logistics Department are deputy directors。

The Office, as directed by the Leadership group, is primarily responsible for:

1.We should supervise and inspect the implementation of various measures in daily preventive work。

2.When an emergency occurs, an emergency response team should be organized quickly。

3.When emergencies occur, report to superiors and request assistance from relevant departments。

4.After an emergency occurs, deal with the aftermath。

(2) Emergency response team

1.The emergency reserve is mainly composed of the security Department, the teacher on duty and the security guard, and the school leader on duty is responsible for it。

2.The emergency reserve team shall, in accordance with the arrangements of the leading group, earnestly pay attention to ideological education and carry out necessary training to ensure that once an emergency occurs, it can be promptly put in place and handled, maintain smooth communication, be summoned at a moment's notice, be able to fight, and have the ability to handle emergencies。

(3) Medical rescue team

The emergency rescue team is mainly composed of the school medical office and the campus ferry driver, and the director of the logistics Department is responsible for it。

Emergency rescue teams should follow the arrangements of the leading group, pay attention to ideological education, carry out necessary skills training, and have the ability to do initial effective rescue in the first time。They should be equipped with certain rescue drugs and materials。

(4) Communication Liaison Group

The Director of the School Office is responsible for the communication, if necessary, according to the intentions of the leadership group110。

(5) Evacuation guidance group

The evacuation guidance team consists of counselors from each department and is mainly responsible for guiding students to a safe area。

(6) Warning group

The alert group is composed of the Security Department and the National Flag guard, responsible for the security of the school gate and the campus, and check that there are no other abnormal conditions。

5. Daily security work

The general guiding principle of daily security work is: nip in the bud, detect clues in time, stop the development of the situation at the beginning stage, and maximize the safety of teachers, students and schools。

(1) Gate guard

1.The gate should be equipped with security personnel。

2.Equipped with anti-riot equipment: steel fork, shield, anti-cut gloves, stab-proof vest, baton, baton, pepper spray, walkie-talkie, can be used in emergency。

3.Strictly implement the rules of access control: strictly control the vehicles, personnel and items entering and leaving the school gate, pay attention to inspection, do a good job of registration, unrelated vehicles and personnel are not allowed to enter the campus。

4.Strictly implement the 24-hour guard duty system。

5.Maintain the safe and orderly departure of school students on weekends。

(2) District guard and campus patrol

1.The personnel of the area are in place, and patrol the points according to the specified time and the specified route。

2.The security patrol should increase its inspection efforts, patrolling continuously, inside the campus and beside the wall。

3.Security Department personnel in the afternoon to the area for inspection, timely find problems, deal with problems。Especially on campus strangers pay attention to check。

六、Emergency procedure

(1) Emergency handling procedures for knife-wielding incidents on campus

The key point of this emergency procedure is to quickly assemble superior forces to prevent further crimes

1.Anyone who obtains information about the incident should report to the direct leader of the information recipient at the first time, and immediately report to the anti-terrorism anti-riot leading group after receiving the report, and at the same time dial 110 to the police。

2.The staff of the school leading group immediately organized on-site personnel to establish a police cordon so that the criminals could not get close to other students and prevent the situation from expanding。

3.The emergency leading group declared the school to enter a full emergency state and immediately implemented emergency rescue operations。

4.Gather superior forces, carry defensive equipment, and criminals to dissuade and stop criminal acts, win time for police assistance, and try to subdue criminals under favorable conditions。

5.Evacuate other students and unrelated personnel to a safe area as soon as possible. Students and unrelated personnel are strictly prohibited from watching。

6.Rescue the wounded students and other wounded。

7.Implement on-site alert, prevent irrelevant personnel from entering the school, maintain on-site order, prevent people with ulterior motives from making trouble, and guide external rescue personnel to enter the scene of the incident。

8.The school should report the incident to the education authority immediately after it occurs。

(2) Emergency handling procedures for suspicious characters found on campus

The point of this emergency procedure is to take prompt measures to control suspicious characters

1.Found in the campus suspicious, wandering around, may commit a crime of suspicious people, present personnel should immediately report to the direct leadership of the information recipient, immediately reported to the security department, security department according to the situation to be in charge of security anti-terrorism anti-riot deputy leader report。

2.School security personnel and administrative personnel should immediately question this person and restrict his movement to a local area。

3.If the person's self-stated purpose of entering the campus is obviously lacking in credibility, there is no evidence, physical evidence can be proved, and even inconsistent and unreasonable, the security personnel should take him into the security office for further questioning。

4.If there is evidence that the person is a dangerous person or a criminal suspect, you should call 110 immediately and be taken away by the police for further investigation。

5.If the suspicious person runs away during questioning, the unit personnel should report their appearance, height, clothing and other characteristics and escape direction to the police, at the same time, the school should be prepared for this person to break into the campus again。

During the whole process, the school should take effective measures to prevent the use of violence by suspicious people and ensure the safety of people around。

7.The school shall promptly report the incident to the competent department of education administration。

(3) Emergency handling procedures for suspicious items found on campus

The key points of this emergency procedure are: to prevent inflammable and explosive toxic and harmful substances injury accidents

1.Any person who receives a suspicious parcel or finds a suspicious item should report to the direct leader of the information recipient at the first time, and immediately report to the security and logistics Department after receiving the report。

Suspicious items refer to: the appearance, weight, smell of the item is suspicious, is not the unit of the item, has never seen such items do not know what the use of this item, why is placed in a place in the school。

2.Any person who finds suspicious parcels or suspicious items is strictly prohibited from opening or handling suspicious parcels or suspicious items, smoking or using mobile phones around, or starting motor vehicles。

3.The school should designate personnel with professional knowledge and experience to conduct preliminary identification to determine whether it is dangerous goods. If dangerous goods cannot be excluded, the school should immediately call 110 to ask police professionals to test and deal with them。

4.If the suspicious parcels and items are identified by the police as dangerous goods, the school should immediately set up a police cordon around them, unrelated personnel should immediately evacuate, and take strict preventive measures, and it is forbidden to have students and other personnel around the dangerous goods。

5.The school should cooperate with the police to organize personnel to search and check other areas of the campus to determine whether there are other suspicious items on the campus。

6.The school cooperated with the police in various handling work and reported to the education administrative department in a timely manner。

(4) Emergency handling procedures for mass affray incidents

The main points of this emergency treatment procedure are: quickly stop the fight and avoid casualties。

1.Any individual who obtains the information of the mass brawling incident should, at the first time, report to the school class leader, the security Department on duty cadre and the school anti-anti-riot emergency work office on the day, if the situation is out of control or the consequences are serious, he should call 110 immediately。

2.The leading group of anti-terrorism and anti-riot work in the school should quickly gather superior forces (carrying defensive equipment if necessary) to the scene to stop the fight, and set up a police cordon at the scene of the fight to prevent the expansion of the situation。If the brawler has any equipment in his hand, all fighting equipment should be collected first。If people from outside the school are involved in a fight, try to prevent them from escaping。

3.If any students are injured, they should be treated immediately or sent to the hospital by calling 120, and contact their parents in time。Separate the two sides of the fight, the school, department leaders, class teachers and other questions, understand the cause and process of the fight, and make a written record。

4.Off-campus personnel suspected of rogue and evil forces should be handed over to the police。For students from other schools, they should contact their school。The students involved in the fight shall be educated and the necessary punishments shall be given to those in serious cases to prevent the recurrence of such incidents。

5.It is necessary to conduct a comprehensive analysis of various factors inside and outside the school, and prevent students from being beaten outside the school。The emergency handling and rescue headquarters of emergency security incidents shall report the relevant situation of the fight incident to the superior competent department in a timely manner。

(5) Emergency handling procedures for receiving threatening phone calls, text messages or letters

The key points of this emergency handling procedure are: to quickly investigate the identity and intent of the caller and the letter, and to maintain the safety of the school and personnel。

1.Any individual who receives a threatening phone call, text message or letter should immediately report to the direct leader of the recipient of the information, and immediately report to the school shift leader, the officer on duty of the security office and the school anti-terrorism and anti-riot emergency work office。

2.Those who receive threatening phone calls, text messages or letters due to personal disputes, if the incident is likely to affect personal safety or school safety, must report to the school shift leader, the on-duty cadre of the security department and the school anti-terrorism and anti-riot emergency work office。

3.When receiving anonymous threatening phone calls, remain calm, do not immediately reject unreasonable requests from the caller, and extend the call time through negotiation to get as much information as possible from the caller。The telephone with caller ID should record the phone number of the other party, otherwise it can be used to write a note and gesture the method of indicating the personnel around, to inquire the phone number of the telecommunications bureau, and if conditions can make a recording of the threatening phone。

4.The school anti-terrorism and anti-riot emergency work office should immediately analyze and study threatening phone calls, text messages or letters:

1) Immediately send someone to record the phone next to the phone that receives the threatening call。

2) If the name, identity and intention of the caller are clear, and the other party loses reason due to personal entanglement and carries out intimidation, the school shall properly handle the incident together with relevant departments。

3) If the caller is anonymous, the school emergency response and rescue command should analyze the caller's accent, timbre, tone, intonation, language features and the content of the call, the sender's handwriting and the content of the letter, and mobilize the school staff to provide clues。By preliminarily speculating the motive of the perpetrator, necessary preventive measures are taken。

5.For anonymous threatening phone calls and letters, they should immediately report to the education authorities and the public security departments under their jurisdiction, and the police should be asked to join the investigation as soon as possible。Keep your plans and strategies to yourself。

6.For threatening phone calls and letters from people who have no economic or other disputes with the school or its staff, extorting money or retaliating against the society, the school should, in addition to fully cooperating with the police to solve the case, be alert and prepare plans to respond to emergencies at any time。Strong measures should be taken to ensure the safety of persons and departments that are likely to be attacked。

编辑:Security office
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