Guiyang Information Science and Technology Institute emergency overall emergency plan
来源:Security department  作者:  编辑:Security office  日期:2023-05-27  Click rate:721  [I want to print]  [关闭]


Key words:

Part I General provisions

1. Purpose of preparation

Establish and improve我校The working mechanism for emergency response has been improved我校Ensure campus safety and the ability to respond to all kinds of emergencies, prevent and reduce emergencies and the damage caused by them to the maximum extent我校Safety of life and property of teachers, students and staff, ensure normal teaching and life order, maintenance学校The security and stability, promote the harmonious development of society。

2. Preparation basis

In accordance with the Emergency Response Law of the People's Republic of China, the National General Emergency Response Plan for Public Emergencies, the General Emergency Response Plan for Education System Emergencies, and the National Emergency Response Plan for Education System Emergencies.Guizhou ProvinceMeasures for the Management of Emergency Response Plans, andGuizhou ProvinceThe people's government,Guizhou ProvinceDepartment of Education relevant plans and relevant spirit, requirements, combined我校Emergency management practice, the original"Guiyang Institute of Information TechnologyThe Emergency Plan for Public Emergencies was further revised and improved。

3. Scope of application

This plan applies to我校And its departments,Each departmentTo deal with all kinds of emergencies。

4. Classification and classification

The emergency mentioned in this plan refers to the sudden occurrence that causes or may cause serious harm or danger学校Safety of life and property of teachers, students and staff or impact学校An emergency for social stability。

According to the nature of the emergency, the occurrence process and学校Characteristics, emergencies are mainly divided into the following six categories:

1. Natural disasters。Mainly involve学校Flood disasters, meteorological disasters, geological disasters, earthquake disasters and various secondary disasters induced by earthquakes and so on。

2. Accidents and disasters。包括学校Fire, building collapse, stampede and other major safety accidents occurred in buildings,Major traffic accidents on campus,Drowning accident,All kinds of large-scale group activities and military training, internships, visits and other collective activities during the safety accident,Accidents that cause significant impact and loss of energy supply such as water supply, electricity, gas, heat and oil,Toxic and harmful gases and dangerous chemicals caused by poisoning, explosion, dangerous goods leakage pollution and other safety accidents,Nuclear radiation accident,Major environmental pollution and ecological damage accidents,And other effects学校Safety and stability of security incidents。

3. Public health events。Mainly involve学校Major infectious diseases, mass diseases of unknown cause, food hygiene and food poisoning, drinking water pollution, and other events that seriously affect the health and life safety of teachers, students and staff。

4. Social security incidents。It mainly includes: all kinds of illegal gatherings, marches, demonstrations involving teachers and students inside and outside the campus, as well as collective food strikes, class strikes, petitioning, and gathering crowds to make troubleSafety matter件,A fight, a fight,恐怖袭击事件,师生非正常死亡、失踪等治安刑事案件,民族宗教事件,涉外突发事件,以及其他可能会引发影响学校And social stability events。

5. Network and information security incidents。It mainly includes the use of campus network to send harmful information, reactionary, pornography, superstition and other propaganda activities;Theft from state and educational administrations,学校Confidential information, events that may cause serious consequences;The harmful program events, network attack events, information destruction events, information content security events, equipment and facility failures and disastrous events occurred in campus network and information system。

6, education exam security incident。Mainly consists of the education administration department in学校Organize the implementation of various types of national educational examinations, as well as inThe school's independent proposition of the entrance examinationThe security and confidentiality events and violations of exam papers (answer papers) in the links of thesis management, paper printing, transportation, storage, marking organization and management, as well as other emergencies that affect the exam and social stability such as group fraud, obstruction of the exam, and harmful information on the network in the implementation of the exam。

The above types of emergencies are sometimes cross-related and related, and certain types of emergencies may occur at the same time as other types of events, or lead to secondary or derivative events, which should be analyzed in detail, highlighted and coordinated response。Where it involves cross-school or provincial region, it shall be handled according to the relevant plan。

All kinds of emergencies are generally divided into four levels according to the nature, scale, social harm degree, controllability and scope of influence of the event:Class I (particularly significant), Class II (Significant), Class III (Large), Class IV (General)。The classification standard is the basis for reporting emergency information and grading disposal, and the specific classification is determined by the special emergency plans in accordance with the relevant national standards。

5. Working principles

1.Implement responsibility and actively prevent

Dean of the school,The secretary of the Party Committee is the first person responsible for maintaining stability, and the Party and government work together, with a clear division of labor and their respective responsibilities。All departments and departments strictly implement the leadership responsibility system, in accordance with the"Guiyang Institute of Information TechnologyThe requirements of the 2021 Campus Security and Stability Target Management Responsibility Letter, the implementation of responsibilities at all levels, always take the maintenance of stability as a top priority, the protection of teachers, students and staff health and life and property safety as a top priority, to minimize emergencies and the casualties and hazards caused by them。We will effectively solve problems of concern to the people, take precautions, and work hard to address destabilizing factors in the bud。We should combine prevention with emergency response, and combine normal and abnormal situations, and earnestly prepare for emergencies。

2.Unified leadership, quick disposal

学校It is necessary to establish and improve the emergency management system of unified command, hierarchical responsibility and classified management, so as to formSchool emergencyThe emergency handling work Leading Group (hereinafter referred to as the Leading Group) is the core of the rapid response mechanism for handling emergencies, and is fully responsible学校Deal with the disposal of emergencies, effectively perform work duties, and do a good job in the prevention and disposal of all kinds of emergencies。In the event of a major incident, ensure that the detection, reporting, command, disposal and other links are closely linked, so as to respond quickly, respond correctly, deal decisively, and strive to solve the problem in the bud。

3.System linkage, mass prevention and control

Establish and improve学校与各Departments, departmentsLinkage coordination mechanism, after an emergency, members of the leading group, relevant departments,The head of the department should immediately go to the front line, grasp the situation, carry out work, and control the situation。Fully rely on and give play to the role of professional emergency command agencies and teams to formThe work situation of department system linkage, mass prevention and control, and all-round handling of emergencies ensures the close connection and correct response of prevention, monitoring, early warning, discovery, reporting, command, disposal and other links。

4.Scientific and standardized, dealt with according to law

In accordance with relevant laws and regulations, improve the level of emergency management, better safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of teachers, students and employees, and standardize, institutionalize and legalize the work of responding to emergencies。In dealing with emergencies, we must adhere to the perspective of protecting the lives and property of teachers and students, carry out work according to law, resolve conflicts in a timely manner, prevent the escalation of the situation, and request the intervention and assistance of public security, judicial and other departments when necessary。

.To strengthen security, the emphasis is on construction

We will comprehensively strengthen institutional, organizational and material safeguards to cope with emergencies。Strengthen hardware and software construction in terms of materials, financial support and force deployment, enhance work strength and improve work efficiency。

Grasp the initiative and guide correctly

Party and mass work DepartmentIt is necessary to grasp the initiative of public opinion guidance, enhance the predictability and initiative of work, strengthen the contact and communication with the news media, timely, accurately and objectively release authoritative information such as the development of emergencies and the handling of work in accordance with responsibilities and powers, and correctly guide public opinion。

6. Emergency plan system

1.学校Overall emergency plan。学校In accordance with relevant laws and regulations and relevant education administrative departments emergency plans, combined学校The actual emergency plan system。

.According to the emergency response Leading Group学校The spirit and requirements of the overall emergency response plan,Formulate contingency plans for major events

.Major eventSpecific work emergency plan。The emergency plan formulated by the supervisor, leader or organizer for a certain period, a specific task or a major cultural and sports event。

Emergency plans at all levels and of various types shall be revised and improved by the formulation units in a timely manner in light of changes in the actual situation。


The second part is organization system

1. Leading group

学校Work Safety Working CommitteeIt is the highest leading institution for emergency management within the university。学校Set up a leading group for emergency response work as学校The leading command organization for emergency response。The leading group consists ofDean andThe Party secretary shall be in charge of the group leaderSchool safety leaderServe as deputy leader, and the members of the leading group shall be composed of responsible comrades from relevant departments。

学校The responsibilities of the leading group for emergency response work are: to convey and implement the instructions of the superior on stability work, and to deploy学校Steady work。For emergencies occurring on campus, responsible for unified decision-making, organization and command of emergency response actions for all kinds of emergencies, and deploy relevant institutions and departments to promptly handle and maintain all kinds of emergencies occurring on campus according to law学校Security and stability。

Office of the leading group

The leadership Group consists of two offices: 

1.Office of Emergency Response。Duties are: InSchool emergencyUnder the leadership of the leader and deputy leader of the emergency work leading group, coordinate, command and handle various emergencies, and serve as a good adviser to the leading group。Office membershipSchool office director, Minister of Party and Mass Work Department,Director of student affairs, security工作Chief everywhere,财务Head of the Department, Director of Logistics, Secretary of the Youth League Committee and各系The principal persons in charge shall be composed and work shall be carried out according to their respective functions and division of labor。学校Office directorOffice director。
  2.Emergency Information Office。Duties are: InSchool emergencyUnder the leadership of the leader and deputy leader of the emergency work leading group, extensively collect information related to emergencies through various channels and information networks, summarize and analyze, summarize and report the information in a timely manner, keep abreast of the development of the situation, and be responsible for releasing information to the outside world。Office membershipSchool office director, Party and mass work departmentHuman resources divisionDirector of student Affairs, Security Department处长各系Responsible person composition。Party and mass work Department部长Office director。

3. Field headquarters

According to the categories of emergencies, the following headquarters shall be established to take charge of on-site command and disposal of emergencies。The responsibilities of the commands are:

1.Decide whether to activate the relevant contingency plan;

2.To be responsible for directing and handling such emergencies;

3.To study and determine the nature and type of the incident and its connection with other types of emergencies, and decide on the implementation of disposal plans;

4.To decide on the standards and contents of information submission and request instructions and assistance from superiors;

5.To decide on the caliber, time and manner of releasing information to the outside world;

6.Summarize experience and lessons, and investigate the responsibilities of relevant responsible persons。

    (1) Accident Disaster and natural disaster Event Headquarters

The Accident Disaster and natural Disaster Incident headquarters shall be in chargeSafe school leadersAs deputy commander-in-chief。The headquarters office is located in学校Office, related work by学校Office coordination。

(2) Public Health Emergency headquarters

The Public Health Emergency Command is in chargeSchool leader in logisticsGeneral command。The headquarters office is set up in the school hospital, and related work is coordinated by the school hospital。

(3) Social Security Emergency Headquarters

Social Security Emergency command is in chargeSafe school leadersGeneral command。The headquarters office is located inSecurity departmentOffice, related work bySecurity departmentOffice coordination。

(4) Network and Information Security Emergency Headquarters

The network and information security Emergency command is headed by deputyLong term general command。The headquarters office is located inParty and mass work Department, related work byParty and mass work DepartmentModern educational technologyCentral coordination。

(5) Examination Security Emergency Headquarters

Exam security emergency command is in charge of deputyLong term general command。The headquarters office is located inDepartment of Teaching and Research, related work byDepartment of Teaching and Research协调。

Working groups

In order to effectively and promptly respond to emergencies on campus, the leading group has set up six special working groups。After receiving the emergency instruction, quickly rushed to the scene, waiting for the scene command transfer。

1.Information Liaison and Publicity Group

The working group is locatedParty and mass work Department, daily work byParty and mass work Department承担。Led byParty and mass work Departmentministership。The main responsibilities are: extensively collecting information about security and stability both inside and outside the school and at home and abroad, timely sorting out and submitting to the school leaders some information with warning and background for reference in decision-making;Responsible for uploading and issuing school commands;Using a variety of advocacy tools (includingOfficial website, campus radio、橱窗、公告Column, etc.) actively carry out positive publicity activities;Responsible for the school during sensitive periodsMonitoring of the media;Responsible for liaising with off-campus media, unifying the reception and publicity of foreign media;Responsible for liaising with relevant government departments to communicate information or request assistance。

2.Education and guidance Group

Working group locationHealth officeDaily work by learningHealth office承担。Group leader yukiHealth officeHold the position of。The main responsibilities are: to do a good job in ideological and political education of college students,To cultivate a contingent of politically competent and ideologically qualified student and work cadres, counselors and student cadres;Timely understanding of the ideological dynamics of teachers, students and staff and causes of trouble,Grasp deep and early warning information;When the event occurs,Timely and effectively do a good job in the education and guidance of teachers and students;Assist the Information Liaison and Publicity team to do a good job of public opinion guidance and publicity during emergencies。

3.Security group

The working group is located in the Security Department, and the leader is the director of the Security Department。The main responsibilities are: emergency scene control, personnel evacuation, traffic control on campus;Implement safety measures for key vital parts;maintenance学校Public security order, prevent all kinds of destructive activities;Strengthen contact with public security departments, assist public security organs to solve cases and investigate accidents。

4.Infrastructure, logisticsSupport group

Working group located in logistics, daily work byInfrastructure Assets Division,后勤承担。Led byDirector of Infrastructure Assets,后勤处长担任。The main responsibilities are: to provide vehicles, electricity, communication, accommodation and other related conditions, maintenance学校Normal work and life order;Establish emergency relief materials storage warehouse to ensure logistics supply during emergencies。

5.Foreign affairs working group

The working group is located in the International Cooperation and Exchange Office, and the daily work is undertaken by the International Cooperation and Exchange Office。The group leader is the Director of the International Exchange Department。The main responsibilities are: to collect and master the dynamic information related to foreign affairs学校Timely report safe and stable information to the office of the school leading group;To properly handle matters related to foreigners during emergencies, and maintain contact with foreign affairs departments of the government and diplomatic agencies of relevant countries in China。

6.Medical rescue team

The working group is locatedLogistics departmentDaily work is undertaken by the school hospital。Led byChief of logisticsAs, the main personnel from the school hospital staff。Responsible for the medical treatment after the occurrence of emergencies;Do a good job in reporting the epidemic situation of infectious patients, isolation and disinfection;Responsible for liaison with off-campus medical institutions。

学校When conditions are available, various professional talent pools can be established, and relevant experts can be hired to form expert groups according to actual needs学校The emergency planning system provides advice and decision-making advice, and participates when necessary学校Emergency handling of emergencies。

五、Departments and departmentsPublic emergency response响应机构

Departments and departmentsEstablish a corresponding leading group for public emergency response, headed by the main person in charge of the unit.The members shall be composed of the personnel of the unit, set up an information officer。Departments and departmentsThe emergency response work leading group is usually accepted学校Leadership of the office of the emergency response work leading group, and accept when dealing with emergencies学校The leading group commands and coordinates the work of the functional working groups。

Departments and departmentsResponsibilities of the Public Emergency Response Team:

1) Implement the responsibility system for maintaining security and stability;

2) Extensively carry out publicity and education activities on security prevention and stability maintenance;

3) Grasp the ideological dynamics of teachers, students and staff, and do a good job in education;

4) Collect information about security and stability, find factors affecting security and stability, and timely report to the school leading group office;

5) Be responsible for handling general emergencies occurring within the unit and fully cooperate学校Properly handle all kinds of emergencies listed in this plan。


Part Three Prevention and early warning

I. Prevention

1.学校We should establish and improve the daily safety management system,Regularly check the implementation of various safety precautions,Strengthen safety supervision and inspection,Rectification measures and responsible persons shall be implemented for the hidden dangers identified,And rectification within a time limit;Strengthen risk assessment and daily management of all kinds of emergencies,All kinds of dangerous sources and dangerous areas have been investigated and registered,Check and monitor regularly,Take targeted security precautions;Major hidden dangers and some of the major impact, teachers and students reflect strong universal and tendentious problems,The root causes should be studied immediately,Strive to solve the problem fundamentally,In necessity,To report immediately to the local party committee government and education authorities,At the same time, we will do prevention, monitoring and emergency preparedness work。

2.Departments and departmentsIn accordance withThe principle of "safety first" and "prevention first", strengthen safety education and safety inspection, cooperate with functional departments to implement control measures on key heads and key parts, pay attention to the discovery and collection of information that may endanger campus safety and stability, and timely report学校The office of the leading group shall take timely preventive measures to effectively prevent emergencies。The leading group office should always be openDepartments and departmentsThe above work shall be supervised and inspected, and the units that fail to pass the inspection shall be ordered to rectify within a time limit。

Ii. Early Warning

1.Determine the level of warning。When an emergency is about to occur or the likelihood of occurrence increases,学校To rely on the relevant competent departments or professional institutions,Organize the analysis and evaluation of emergency information,To predict the magnitude, scope and intensity of the possibility of emergencies and the level of possible emergencies;Or according to the warning level issued by the local Party committee government and relevant departments,According to the possible emergency degree, development trend and possible harm degree of the emergency,Its warning level is classified as particularly significant events (Class I), (major events) Class II, (major events) Class III, (general events) Class IV, Class I is the highest level。

2.Issue early warning information。学校According to the results of the analysis and evaluation, or the requirements of the relevant competent departments for issuing early warning information, the early warning information shall be immediately released in an appropriate way according to the relevant regulations, and the local Party committee government and the higher education administrative department shall be reported at the same time, and the level may be reported if necessary。According to the development of the situation, timely adjust the warning level and re-report and issue warning information。Warning information includes the type of the emergency, warning level, start time, possible impact scope, warning items, and measures to be taken。The release and adjustment of early warning information can be approved校园广播、Campus official websiteWechat group,QQ groupEtc. Or the organization personnel notify one by one。

3.Take early warning measures。After issuing early warning information, one or more of the following measures shall be taken according to the actual situation and the principle of classification and grading:

① Collect and report relevant information in a timely manner, and further strengthen the monitoring, forecasting and early warning of the occurrence and development of emergencies。

(2) Timely release, in accordance with relevant regulations, the forecast information of emergencies related to teachers and students and the warning of possible hazards, publicize the suggestions and common sense to avoid or mitigate hazards, and publicize the consultation telephone。

(3) Organize emergency rescue teams and personnel with specific responsibilities to enter the standby state, and be prepared to participate in emergency rescue and disposal work。

(4) Mobilize the materials, equipment and tools needed for emergency rescue, prepare emergency facilities and shelters, and ensure that they can be put into normal use at any time。

Strengthen the security of key units, key locations and important infrastructure, and maintain campus security order。

Report to the local Party Committee and government to coordinate with relevant departments to take necessary measures to ensure the safety and normal operation of school buildings, teaching equipment and public facilities such as transportation, communications, networks, water, electricity and heat。

(7) Transfer, evacuation, or evacuation of vulnerable to emergencies or affected personnel and proper accommodation, transfer of important property。

Close or restrict the use of places vulnerable to emergencies, control or restrict activities in public places that can easily lead to the expansion of hazards, and prevent the occurrence of lifetime and derivative hazards。

(9) Other necessary preventive and protective measures prescribed by laws, administrative regulations and rules。

4.Clear alert。There is evidence that an emergency is unlikely or that the danger has been eliminated,学校The alert shall be immediately lifted in accordance with relevant provisions, the early warning period terminated, and the relevant measures already taken shall be lifted, and normal order shall be restored as soon as possible。


Part IV Emergency disposal

1. Information report

1.Information submission principle

(1) Fast: the unit or individual that first discovers the emergency should be the first to respond学校Report of emergency response agencies at all levels。发生A Level I emergency can be directed toSchool emergencyMembers of the emergency response leadership team reported,学校Emergency information should be reported to the local Party committee government and its relevant competent departments and higher education administrative departments at the first timeThe general export of information is the responsibility of the school office。In accordance with the relevant requirements of the Ministry of Education, major or particularly major emergencies in universities directly under its control shall be reported to the Ministry of Education immediately and no later than that3小时。学校When a major or particularly major emergency occurs, it may report it to the higher level when necessary, and continue to report the relevant information in a timely manner according to the progress of the situation。

Leading Group office phone:School Office Manager (88929006)  Party and Mass Work Department (88920706

Security department24-hour duty phone:88925110

2) Accuracy: the information content should be objective and accurate, not subjective assumptions, not misstatement, omission, concealment。

2. Information submission mechanism

After receiving the emergency report, the office of the leading group shall immediately report to the leading group and relevant headquarters, notify the leaders and deputy leaders of the functional working groups, and carry out work according to the requirements of the leaders, while maintaining close contact with the incident place to further verify the situation。For major information, the office of the leading group shall report it to the Provincial Department of Education in a timely manner according to the opinions of the leading groupSafe place85281633Siya Police Station (88224110University city Political Science and Law group work Department等。

3. Content of information report

1) The basic information of the event, including the time, place, personnel involved, scale, scope of impact, information source, etc。

2) Cause analysis, nature judgment and impact assessment of the event;

3) the development trend of the incident and the measures already taken;

4) The reaction of the public and the media inside and outside the school;

5) Current situation, disposal process and results;

6) Other matters that need to be submitted。

2. Early disposal

After the emergency,学校The leading group for emergency response should immediately start the emergency plan, try its best to take targeted measures to control the development of the situation, organize the early emergency rescue and disposal work, and promptly respond to the groundThe Party committee, the government, its relevant competent departments and the higher administrative departments of education may report above the level when necessary。

Third, emergency preparedness

1.Strengthen the daily management of the emergency response mechanism, give full play to the core role of the office of the leading group in the construction of the emergency response mechanism, and constantly use and improve the emergency response plan in practice。The office of the leading group should strengthen personnel training, regularly carry out drill activities, and improve the theoretical quality, practical skills and command ability of the team in response to emergencies。

2.Cope well学校Reserve human, material and financial resources for all kinds of emergencies, and ensure emergency facilities, equipment and necessary funds for emergency prevention and on-site control。

4. Emergency plan initiation and emergency response

1.Extraordinary events (Level I) Emergency response

Extraordinary events (Class I) This plan shall be activated immediately after the occurrence.School emergencyThe emergency response leading group shall immediately enter the command state and report the disposal situation to the Ministry of Education,Guizhou ProvinceParty Committee, provincial government and provincial and municipal public security departments。

2.Major event (Level II) Emergency response

Major event (Level II) shall be activated immediately after the occurrence of this plan,School emergencyThe emergency handling work leading group shall immediately enter the command state, and promptly report the disposal situation to the Ministry of Education and the provincial and municipal public security departments。

3.Larger event (Level III) Emergency response

Larger event (Level III) after occurrence,School emergencyThe office of the emergency handling work leading group shall immediately enter the command state, and ask the leading group whether to initiate this plan, and promptly report the disposal situation to the provincial Department of Education and the provincial and municipal public security departments。

5. Emergency procedures and measures

After the occurrence of emergencies, the emergency handling work leading group should respond quickly, command strongly, and take decisive measures, and the functional working groups should be in学校Under the unified command of the leading group, each performs its duties and works closely together to form a fast, accurate and efficient working mechanism。

After the emergency plan is launched, the leading group and the headquarters shall immediately enter the operation state, the headquarters and the general duty room shall be located in the alarm center of the Security Department, and the office of the leading group shall assist the work of the headquarters。The functional working groups are immediately in place, and maintain smooth and fast communication, and take appropriate measures according to the nature, scale and scope of the incident。Emergency needs outside assistance immediately call the relevant departments for help (fire"119", casualties "120", major cases "110")。Advance notice may be given if necessaryOfficial website校园Radio and other media are ready to broadcast。In the process of incident handling, maintain close contact with the relevant departments at the higher level。

6. Information release

1.学校In handling emergencies, in strict accordance with the Party Central Committee, The State Council, the Ministry of Education andGuizhou ProvinceTo firmly grasp the initiative of information release and public opinion control, it is necessary to comprehensively, objectively, accurately and timely release information about the development of emergencies and emergency response work, and do a good job of follow-up release according to the disposal of the incident, and correctly guide the campus and campus public opinion。建立学校Press spokesman system (byParty and mass work Department(Responsible), and when necessary, release relevant information about major emergencies to the public or the media。

 2.Relevant authoritative information, such as details of the incident and emergency response measures, shall be distributed through relevant news media, key news websites, mobile phone short messages or websites of competent education departments according to the scope and impact of the emergencySchool official websiteWaiting for release。

3.The forms of information release mainly include: holding press conferences, authorizing releases, providing press releases, organizing reports, and accepting interviews with journalists。

4.No unit or individual may fabricate or disseminate false information about the development of emergencies and their emergency response work。


Part V post-recovery

First, post-treatment

For natural disasters, accidents, public health events,学校In the light of the losses suffered, emergency response, emergency mobilization and requisition of funds and materials from the relevant units in the rescue work, the development of relief, compensation, consolation, compensation, resettlement and other aftermath work plans and implementation, and the organization of psychological and judicial assistance when necessary。According to the needs of aftermath disposal, under the unified leadership of the local Party committee and government, coordinate the relevant departments to do a good job in disease prevention and control and environmental pollution elimination, and urge the relevant insurance institutions to carry out investigation and claim settlement in a timely manner。

For social security incidents, network and information security incidents, educational examination security incidents,学校It is necessary to properly solve the contradictions and disputes caused by the handling of emergencies, earnestly summarize experiences and lessons, implement rectification measures, investigate and investigate the relevant responsible persons according to law, soothe and calm the emotions of teachers and students, and restore normal order as soon as possible, and actively assist the public security organs to investigate and deal with violations in emergencies。

2. Investigation and evaluation

Depending on the type and characteristics of the emergency,学校It is necessary to cooperate with relevant professional institutions to find out the occurrence and cause of emergencies in a timely manner, sum up the experiences and lessons of emergencies and emergency handling work, and system improvement measures, assess the losses caused by emergencies, and submit reports to the local Party committee government and higher education administrative departments in a timely manner according to the subordinate relationship。

Third, recovery and reconstruction

After the emergency response of natural disasters and accidents,学校The restoration and reconstruction plan shall be formulated as soon as possible and the relevant work shall be actively carried out. Where the support of the local Party committee government or the higher education administrative department is needed, the request for assistance in repairing the damaged school buildings, teaching facilities and public facilities such as transportation, communication, network, water, electricity and heat shall be made in a timely manner。


Part VI Emergency support

1. Publicity and education

学校Through classroom teaching, training, publicity brochures, special lectures, safety exhibitions, blackboard newspaper columns, Internet,校园Broadcasting and other lively forms and ways to widely publicize the knowledge and skills of emergency rescue and disposal, all kinds of safety protection and emergency risk aversion, enhance the safety awareness and protection ability of teachers and staff, and constantly improve the level of proper response to emergencies。The office of the emergency handling leading group shall organize relevant functional departments to conduct an investigationDepartments and departmentsCarry out publicity, education and guidance on emergency knowledge。

Second, emergency drills

The office of the leading group shall organize the staff of relevant departments, teachers, students and staff in a planned and focused way according to the categories of emergencies that can be foreseen and may occur, and conduct drills on relevant emergency plans regularly or irregularly。Actively carry out the skills training of emergency response teams, regularly conduct emergency simulation exercises, and improve the ability to escape and avoid danger and emergency response, as well as the ability to coordinate operations and rapid response。In particular, it is necessary to organize at least one emergency drill for disasters such as fire or earthquake every semester, and timely revise and improve relevant emergency plans according to the problems exposed in the drill。

Third, team building

The office of the leading group shall form an emergency emergency reserve team, which shall be put into use immediately once the plan is activated。The composition of the emergency reserve shall be adjusted in a timely manner according to the specific circumstances of emergencies and the requirements of the command department。The reserve team consists mainly ofParty and mass work Department、学Health office、保卫officeHospitals and logisticsAnd psychologyConsultation centerAnd other department personnel composition。

It is necessary to establish and improve the emergency reserve support system, equipping emergency rescue personnel with necessary protective equipment and equipment, and reducing the personal risk of emergency rescue personnel。Emergency reserve teams should organize joint training and exercises in a timely manner, improve their ability to coordinate emergency response, and at the same time strengthen学校Building emergency capacity, mobilizing teachers, students, staff and student volunteers to participate in emergency rescue work, and forming a mass prevention and management system。

Fourth, financial security

学校Provision for emergency response should be included学校We will unify the financial budget, ensure adequate emergency funds, and ensure daily publicity, training, exercises, material reserves and emergency response。The financial department shall strengthen the supervision and evaluation of the use and effect of the emergency security fund, and encourage citizens, legal persons or other organizations to act in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the State学校Provide donations and assistance for emergency work。

5. Material support

The office of the leading group shall establish a reserve of materials for handling emergency rescue facilities, improve the reserve guarantee system, and ensure adequate materials for proper handling of emergencies。Special emergency materials should be kept by special personnel to ensure the good condition and usability of materials and equipment。The materials are stored reasonably, the channels are kept unblocked, and the transportation of materials is convenient and safe。

6. Information protection

School emergencyThe office of the emergency handling work leading group shall establish and improve and implement the operation mechanism of all aspects of emergency information collection, transmission, reporting and processing, improve the information transmission channels, keep the information transmission facilities and communication equipment intact, keep the communication convenient and fast, and ensure the safe and smooth information reporting channels。


The seventh part, responsibility and reward and punishment

1. Recognition and awards

学校Attaching great importance to emergency response,We will effectively strengthen emergency management and emergency response system building,Advanced collectives and individuals with outstanding performance and outstanding achievements in the prevention, monitoring, early warning, detection, reporting, handling, rescue and other links of emergencies shall be commended and rewarded,Compensation shall be given to those killed or injured in emergency rescue work in accordance with the law。

2. Accountability

学校Leadership responsibility system and accountability system shall be implemented in the emergency handling of emergencies,Delaying, lying, concealing or missing important information about emergencies, or committing dereliction of duty or dereliction of duty in emergency rescue, early warning, handling, rescue and recovery and reconstruction work,The administrative responsibility of the responsible person shall be investigated according to law,Give corresponding sanctions;Violating the Law of the People's Republic of China on Penalties for Public Security Administration and other relevant laws and regulations,The public security organ shall give corresponding punishment according to law;Causing injury to another person or property,Shall bear civil liability according to law;criminal,Criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law。



一、学校And affiliationDepartments and departmentsIt shall perform its duties in accordance with the provisions of this plan, and formulate the system,Department emergency plan and reportSchool emergencyEmergency response leading group office for the record。

Ii. This plan consists of学校Formulate and timely revise according to changes in relevant laws and regulations and actual situation, and the office of the Emergency Response Leading Group is responsible for interpretation and implementation。

3. This plan shall be implemented as of the date of promulgation。(This plan is revisedMay 27, 2023)

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