Understand the century-old history and practice the original mission
来源:  作者:  编辑:Zhang Xiule  日期:2024-03-16  Click rate:1152  [I want to print]  [关闭]


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    News network(The Second Party Branch of Students of the Department of Economic Management)In order to promote the study of Party history education, practical use of Marxist thought。At 14:00 on March 15, 2024, Mr. Zhu Chenglong, Secretary of the General Party Branch of the Department of Economic Management, gave a party lesson of profound significance to the party members of the Department of Economic Management at B307。

(Photo of Teacher Zhu communicating with classmates)
     Before the meeting began, Mr. Zhu asked the students, "Why do you choose to join the Communist Party of China and not other political parties??Why is Socialism with Chinese Characteristics good?It comes down to the knowledge of what Marxism does。在马克思主义中国化进程中,产生了毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想等理论成果。Our Party's understanding and positioning of these theoretical achievements have been continuously deepened and improved with the practical progress of leading the revolution, construction and reform and the rich development of the theoretical achievements of Marxism in China。朱老师向大家讲述习近平总书记的“我将无我,不负人民”是需要我们党员永远追求的崇高境界。"No self" is "selfless", "selfless" and "give me up", which is filled with everyone in the heart。To "deliver on the people" is to benefit everyone。When the "self" is fully integrated into the "greater self", the "me" worthy of the people is the "true self" of the Communists.。

(Students listen carefully to the picture)
      Our Party has created history by relying on learning, and we must rely on learning to move forward into the future。Through the in-depth study of this party class, the comrades present have benefited a lot, further strengthening the knowledge and understanding of the Party, but also establish a more correct outlook on life, values, and world outlook。
编辑:Zhang Xiule
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