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Tracing the revolutionary period and moving forward to the Party with one heart - the General Party Branch of the Information Engineering Department of our University carried out the theme of "Promoting four history Education and Enhancing Mission Responsibility" Party Day activities
来源:  作者:  编辑:Information department  日期:2023-05-17  Click rate:2193  [I want to print]  [关闭]


Key words:

For the in-depth study and implementation of the Party's twenty great spirit,深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,Educate and guide Party members to strengthen their ideals and convictions,Strengthen patriotism,近日,The Department of Information Engineering of our school makes full use of the educational resources of our provincial memorial hall,Organize party members to carry out the revolutionary history memorial Hall of Xifeng Concentration campPromote four-history education and enhance mission responsibilityTheme Party Day activities。Guo Linhua, Secretary of the Party Committee of our university, Xie Yao, secretary of the General Branch of the Party of Information Engineering Department, and representatives of the teachers and students of the Information Engineering Department participated in the theme Party Day activities。



Xifeng Concentration Camp Revolutionary History Memorial Hall is located in Yanglang Village, Yongjing Town, Xifeng County, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province1997年。During the Anti-Japanese War, it was the largest, most strictly managed and highest-grade secret prison set up by the Kuomintang military secret service to hold Communists and patriotic progressives. Together with Bai Mansion in Chongqing and Shangrao Concentration Camp in Jiangxi, it was one of the three major concentration camps set up by the Kuomintang during the Anti-Japanese War。



Memorial Hall docents for our school teachers and students party members on an unforgettable profound party lesson,Denounce the crimes committed by the Kuomintang reactionaries in Xifeng concentration camp,Glorify the glorious historical facts of the heroic struggle of Communists and revolutionaries in concentration camps against the Kuomintang reactionaries under the leadership of underground party branches,Deeply cherish the memory of the great achievements of revolutionary martyrs,Everyone received a comprehensive party spirit education。



After the visit,Comrade Guo Linhua said,Xifeng Concentration Camp Revolutionary History Memorial Hall vividly shows countless revolutionary martyrs adhere to the truth, firm ideals and beliefs, the courage to fight the fearless revolutionary spirit,Vividly interprets the great spirit of party building,It is a vivid class of our party members' profound understanding of the revolutionary spirit of perseverance, selflessness and fearlessness, the courage to struggle and the courage to win,I hope to learn from this time,All Party members should think carefully,Be enlightened,Party branches should extend and expand educational achievements,Through learning experience sharing,Consolidate and expand the effectiveness of education on ideals and beliefs。Walking out of the Xifeng Concentration Camp Revolutionary History Memorial Hall, everyone's thoughts are myriad, and everyone said that in the future, we must remember the heroic deeds of the martyrs, cherish the hard-won happy life, and contribute youth and strength to the rejuvenation of the great Chinese nation。




Since then, the General Branch of the Department of Information Engineering in424Day in the school information buildingA305Meeting room, organize teachers and students to carry outThe war will not be extinguished, the spirit will last foreverI have something to say on this tripTheme Party Day learning activities thematic organization life。Xie Yao, secretary of the General Branch of the Department of Information Engineering, presided over the organization of the meeting, Comrade Xie Yao said:Contemporary young students are the future of the nation, is the backbone of the motherland, should be firmly lofty ideals and beliefs, without ideals and beliefs, the spirit will be缺钙Countless revolutionary martyrs sacrificed their lives in exchange for today's peace, and we should cherish it when we are born。


In the experience sharing session, probationary Party member Yang Xiaoqin said:What impressed me was the small martyr Song Zhenzhong who was only eight years old and sacrificed, I was sad that he had not seen the outside world until the sacrifice, I do not know why the tragic fate of sugar taste, feeling that he was at a young age but used his life to defend the revolutionary ideal of the fearless spirit


Student leader representative Yoo Ga-sook said:Visited a cell, heard a period of history, the shadow of each revolutionary martyr vividly emerged in front of our eyes, we in addition to the memory of martyrs, but also like them, firm their ideals and beliefs, in this happy and peaceful era, study hard, struggle for life


Never forget the past, the teacher of the futurePeace is hard won, and young students are born in a prosperous era. We should work hard and bravely to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,Generation after generation of youth power。



转自Party and mass work Department

Source Department of Information Engineering

Editor Yu Wenjie

Editor Yu Wenjie

Review by Han Xue

Editor Yang Wu




编辑:Information department
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