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Create a high-quality resume, enhance the ability to find a job - the Department of Information Engineering held a seminar on employment education
来源:  作者:  编辑:Information department  日期:2024-03-22  Click rate:1369  [I want to print]  [关闭]


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Help people who are about to enter the workforce学生Master the skills of resume making, improve the competitiveness of job hunting。March 21, 2024 at 16:00The Department of Information Engineering carried out in order toHow to create a resume that stands out"For the theme of employment education lecture。Mr. Wan, senior engineer of Guangzhou Yuefin Communication Technology Co., Ltd. was invited to give the lecture, and all the students of Grade 21 of the Department of Information Engineering participated。


Beginning of the lecture万总Through imitation speech, case analysis and other ways, to学生Conveys important information and practical tips for resume makingIt is emphasized that resume is the first threshold for job seekers to deal with job hunting, and effective information must be extracted。He said,When selecting resumes, recruiters tend to focus on professional skills, internships and personal traits。Therefore, job seekers should highlight these key pieces of information so that recruiters can see their strengths at a glance。
    The successful implementation of the lecture on employment education not only helped the students of our department to establish the correct career development concept and improve their employment competitiveness, but also helped to strengthen the employment guidance service of our department, laying the foundation for higher promotion of high-quality employment of students in the department。



                                 Department of Information Engineering, Information Science and Technology College of Guiyang

                                      March 22, 2024

编辑:Information department
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