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Guiyang Information Science and Technology College on strengthening the construction of Marxism College in the new era implementation plan
来源:  作者:Department of Ideological and political Education  编辑:Li Xiaojuan  日期:2024-05-29  Click rate:1434  [I want to print]  [关闭]


Key words:

马克思主义是我们立党立国的根本指导思想,马克思主义学院是学习宣传研究马克思主义的主阵地,思政课是马克思主义学院坚持用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想铸魂育人的主渠道。We will strengthen the building of Marxist colleges,It is an important measure to deepen the research and construction of Marxist theory,It is an inherent requirement to train new people to take on the great task of national rejuvenation,For the construction of philosophy and social science with Chinese characteristics guided by Marxism,Build a socialist ideology with strong cohesion and guiding force,To further enrich and develop Marxism in contemporary China and Marxism in the 21st century,For highlighting the socialist background of Chinese universities,We will guide young students to firmly foster the great ideal of communism and the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics,To train generation after generation of socialist builders and successors,Of great significance。

According to the CPC Central Committee's Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of Marxist Colleges in the New Era and the Ministry of Education's Standards for the construction of Marxist Colleges in ordinary institutions of higher Learning(2023 edition), "Regulations on the Construction of Teachers of Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Colleges and Universities in the New Era", "Standards for the construction of Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Colleges and Universities (2021 edition)" and other spirits, combined with the actual work of Guiyang Institute of Information Science and Technology, the implementation plan for the construction of Marxist College is formulated。

1. Guiding ideology

Insist on马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,Comprehensively implement the Party's educational policy,Adhere to the socialist direction of running schools,To carry out the fundamental task of moral cultivation,The teaching and research of the latest achievements of the Sinicization of Marxism and The Times should be regarded as the top priority,Further clarify responsibilities and missions,Strengthen discipline construction,Deepen teaching reform,Strengthen policy support,We will comprehensively promote the development of conformance in education and teaching,We will strive to create a strong position for Marxist theory education, teaching, research and publicity, and personnel training,Efforts will be made to train qualified socialist builders and reliable successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, the United States and labor,It will provide solid academic and talent support for comprehensively building a modern socialist country and realizing the Chinese dream of great national renewal。

2. Working principles

1. Stay on the right track。Uphold and strengthen the Party's overall leadership and strengthen"Ma Yuan surname Ma, Ma Yan Ma" is a clear orientation, focusing on the study, research and publicity of the latest achievements of Marxism in The Times, and better serving the overall work of the Party and the government。

2. Persisting in cultivating the soul。全面推动习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想进教材进课堂进头脑,强化思想引领,突出价值塑造,筑牢理论根基,引导青年学生坚定理想信念,自觉担负时代重任。

3. Adhere to integrity and innovation。Actively explore the laws of Marxist theoretical education and teaching, discipline development and talent training, and promote the innovation of the development concept, system mechanism, methods and methods of the Marxist School of Guiyang Information Science and Technology University。

4. Adhering to systematic planning。We will improve the overall layout, promote openness and collaboration, implement classified guidance and hierarchical construction, and promote positive interaction between teaching and scientific research, reinforce each other in student training and teacher development, and give equal attention to the production of results and talents。

Third, construction objectives

The leadership of the Party is the fundamental guarantee for the construction and development of Marxist College in the new era。Uphold and strengthen the overall leadership of the Party and gain a deep understandingThe decisive significance of "two certainties",Strengthen the "Four consciousness", strengthen the "four self-confidence", and achieve the "two maintenance",坚决贯彻落实习近平总书记关于教育的重要论述特别是关于高校思政课、马克思主义学院建设的重要指示批示精神,Actively explore the Marxist theory of education and teaching law, discipline development law and personnel training law,Improve the personnel training system,Improve the personnel training model,We will thoroughly implement the construction project of "Major ideological and political courses"。According to the requirements of application-oriented characteristic discipline construction in private colleges and universities,Take ideological and political education and teaching as the basic responsibility,To cultivate a higher level of ideological and political teaching staff as the main starting point,The research direction is to deepen the study of Marxism in China and The Times,It is an important task to carry out the publicity and popularization of Marxist theory,Adhere to moral cultivation, flag casting soul, focus on the main business, service society,Promote the all-round development of students' moral, intellectual, physical, American and labor。

Through five years of hard work,We will build the School of Marxism into a strong position for Marxist theory teaching, scientific research, ideological propaganda and personnel training,Strive to become an influential Marxist college inside and outside the province, with distinct professional characteristics, excellent teaching team, and provincial quality courses,Strive to become the provincial private colleges and universities ideological and political curriculum and curriculum ideological and political teaching innovation platform,Better play an exemplary and leading role,It lays a solid foundation for comprehensively helping Guiyang Information Science and Technology College to realize the goal of demonstration university of integration of production and education and first-class private university as soon as possible。

Iv. Implementation path

The implementation plan of Guiyang Information Science and Technology College to strengthen the construction of Marxism College in the new era(2023-2027) mainly consists of five major projects, including "discipline professional construction project, scientific research level improvement project, teaching system optimization project, teacher team building project, brand creation and implementation project", and the first construction period is expected to be completed in 2027。

(1) Discipline and specialty construction projects

1.We will improve the professional system of Marxist theory。The principal party and government comrades in the school should teach students at least every academic year4 hours of ideological and political courses, the school's responsible leaders teach students at least 2 hours of ideological and political courses every semester。The secretary of the Party Committee, the president and the school leaders who are in charge of the construction, teaching and scientific research of ideological and political courses listen to at least 1 hour of ideological and political courses every semester。With the teachers of the School of Marxism as the backbone, and the secretaries of Party organizations of all departments and departments to form a campus lecturing group, timely organizing theoretical lectures on the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era and the major policies of the Party and the state;The director and secretary of each department are the first responsible person for ideological and political courses, and fully implement the requirements of the director and secretary to speak ideological and political courses。Invite experts, scholars and party and government leaders in the field of ideological and political courses to enter the ideological and political courses teaching classroom in the form of special lectures, and the Party secretaries of all departments and departments carry out special lectures in combination with the Party's important meetings, policies and policies, enriching the content of ideological and political courses and improving the teaching level of ideological and political courses。

2.Improve the quality evaluation system of ideological and political courses。Each course adopts a teaching team composed of professors, associate professors and lecturers to conduct thematic and discussion-type teaching in accordance with the standards for the construction of ideological and political theory courses in colleges and universities(2021 edition) "requirements of the quality evaluation index system standard construction。Organize and carry out teaching team collective discussion activities at least 2 times per semester,The system of mutual evaluation and mutual learning for teachers of ideological and political courses is effectively implemented,Members of the Marxist Academy attend classes no less than 4 times per semester,Full-time teachers attend classes more than 4 times per semester,And carefully fill out the "Guiyang Institute of Information Science and Technology attendance Record Form"。

3.Using new network technology to carry out classroom teaching innovation。Encourage and support ideological and political teachers to use new network technology to carry out classroom teaching innovation, coordinate the time arrangement inside and outside the classroom and various teaching links, enhance teaching interaction by giving play to students' subjectivity, and achieve personalized learning。During the construction period, we will train young backbone teachers of new media3-6 students will actively explore new teaching methods such as "flipped classroom" and "rain classroom", build online open classes, and improve the teaching level of ideological and political courses。Give full play to the function of teachers' studios,Organize full-time teachers to build online ideological and political courses,And give certain financial support,Explore the formation of online and offline mixed ideological and political teaching model,In a way that new age college students will appreciate,Enhance the attraction of the course,The ideological and political course will be built into an online course that students welcome and truly love,Reshape the new form of teaching。

(2) Scientific research upgrading project

1.Deepen the ideological and political teaching research work。Carry out the ideological and political teaching research action, organize forces to carry out research on key teaching issues, and provide strong support for deepening teaching reform and enhancing teaching effect。Relying on the national college ideological and political theory teachers network collective lesson preparation platform, adhere to the teaching and research department(Teaching and research group) organize and carry out activities such as course preparation, teaching demonstration and teaching discussion for the unit。Teachers are encouraged to actively explore innovative research on the preparation of teaching plans, courseware making, and classroom teaching organization, and regularly hold open classes and evaluation of ideological and political courses。

2.Improve the scientific research level and ability of teachers。Insist onWith the goal of "promoting teachers through scientific research, promoting teaching through scientific research, and combining research with teaching", teachers are encouraged to carry out research projects focusing on social livelihood construction, ideological and political curriculum reform, ideological dynamics of college students, and student safety management。Adhere to the requirements of "doing something and not doing something", and take the sinicization of Marxism and The Times, ideological and political education as the direction of academic research。Take the Party's innovation theory research project as the starting point,深入开展习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想宣传研究工作;加强贵州红色资源调研、保护和利用,Deepen the theoretical study of the sinicization of Marxism in Guizhou,Strive to cultivate more than one university-level scientific research and innovation team,Strive for more results, high quality results。

3.Strengthen the application of teaching research and reform projects。Conscientiously organize the whole school's ideological and political course teachers to actively participate in the ideological and political course education and teaching reform project, and strive to win the provincial education and teaching reform and classroom teaching reform project during the five-year construction period, and strive to win the provincial excellent teaching achievement awardMore than 1, and strive to cultivate more than 1 provincial ideological and political teaching innovation team。

(3) Construction of teachers

1.Strengthen the training of ideological and political teachers in the new era。按照"Strong politics, deep feelings, new thinking, broad vision, strict self-discipline, personality" requirements,Strictly control the political, moral and professional aspects of teachers' selection and assessment,Build a firm belief and a solid theoretical foundation,The teachers of ideological and political courses are mainly full-time, combined with full-time, sufficient in quantity, excellent in quality and optimized in structure。Establish a normal learning and training mechanism, improve the assessment and evaluation mechanism, implement the withdrawal mechanism of unqualified ideological and political teachers, and form a benign dynamic adjustment of teachers。In accordance with the requirements of the Training plan of ideological and political theory teachers in ordinary colleges and universities,Actively participate in the "Weekend Theory Lecture Hall" and Guizhou Education Lecture Hall and other platforms set up by the Ministry of Education,Broaden the theoretical horizon and improve the theoretical level;Special theoretical training, expert lectures, and demonstration by key teachers are adopted,At least one ideological and political course teachers training every year。The construction of ideological and political teachers will be included in the overall plan for the high-quality development of school undertakings and the construction of talent teams,新任专职教师应是中共党员,Master's degree or above with a background in Marxist theory,We will strive to cultivate a group of teaching leaders, young and middle-aged subject leaders and backbone teachers with firm political beliefs, good ideological and moral character, solid theoretical foundation, and good connection with practice。

2.We will improve the responsibility system for academic leaders and academic backbones。The academic leader of ideological and political theory should have his own research direction, three-year development plan and implementation measures of specific indicators;The academic backbone of ideological and political theory should be clearly selected and planned according to the discipline construction plan formulated by the college3 years research mission。Establish a famous teacher studio, give full play to the leading effectiveness of the famous teacher studio, clarify the stable discipline research direction, highlight the characteristics of discipline research and construction, and reward members who have a series of achievements and greater contributions in the direction and characteristics。

3.Strengthen ideological and political teachers academic exchanges。According to the needs of teaching and discipline professional development, full-time teachers are arranged for further trainingAt least once every three years;Teachers were selected and sent to county and township government departments and enterprises for practical training,Encourage teachers to pursue doctoral studies;At least 1/5 full-time teachers should be arranged to carry out academic exchange, practical study or study investigation activities in each academic year,Encourage the backbone teachers of ideological and political courses to go to domestic famous schools, old revolutionary base areas, patriotism education bases, ideological and political education bases, etc., to conduct social research and practical exchanges。Strengthen internal teaching and academic exchange and cooperation, organize different forms of academic reports more than 4 times per semester, further strengthen the contact with other departments of the university, organize and carry out academic exchange activities regularly every semester, and establish a regular academic exchange mechanism。

4.Reform the evaluation mechanism of ideological and political teachers。Reform the teaching workload calculation and assessment method with the goal of rewarding and stimulating vitality, implement the dynamic evaluation and distribution mechanism of ideological and political course allowances, and scientifically design the administrative work conversion method on the basis of the basic workload, reflecting the assessment orientation of more work, more work, less work, less work and no work。Establish an evaluation index system that matches the characteristics of ideological and political teachers' teaching and research, and increase the proportion of teaching and teaching research in the evaluation index。To determine the professional and technical positions of ideological and political teachers according to the proportion of teachers(title) The proportion of all types of posts, the proportion of senior professional and technical posts (title) is not lower than the average level of the school。

(4) Teaching system optimization project

1.Establish practical teaching system of ideological and political course。Around the teaching content of the course, we will organize and carry out patriotism, red culture experience visits, shooting micro-videos, writing micro-comments, social research, reading famous original works, and theme activities(speech, essay, film, knowledge contest) and other practical teaching activities。Actively mobilize various resources for the construction of ideological and political courses, combine small classes of ideological and political courses with large social classes, highlight practical teaching, introduce vivid practical cases into classroom teaching, set the classroom at the front line of production labor and social practice, and comprehensively improve the education effect。Expand the form of practical teaching,Build a number of relatively stable off-campus practice teaching bases,Relying on the Zunyi conference site, Monkey Field conference site, Xifeng Concentration Camp, Wang Ruofei's former residence, Deng Enming's former residence, Guizhou People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression Monument and other red education bases,Adopt the combination of online and offline mode to integrate the publicity and education of red spirit into the practical teaching of ideological and political courses;Regularly organize student party members and Party membership activists to carry out red research activities in old revolutionary base areas and red education bases;Promote the practical teaching mechanism coordinated by the Marxist College, the Party and Mass Work Department, the Teaching and Research Department, the student work Department, the Youth League School Committee and other departments,Take campus network matrix, wechat public number matrix, LED screen, publicity bulletin board and other practice platforms to do a good job in the implementation of the "three all education" work;Timely invite experts and scholars inside and outside the school, old revolutionary party members, military heroes and heroines to carry out ideological and political lessons,Further enhance students' ability of linking theory with practice and applying practice。

2.The practical teaching of ideological and political courses is integrated into the practical teaching of specialized courses。In order to avoid disconnection between ideological and political course practice teaching and professional course practice teaching, adhere toThe concept of "cultivating talents and cultivating applied talents" actively explores a new way of integrating ideological and political teaching into professional teaching practice。In combination with the characteristics of professional courses and the content of ideological and political courses, we organize and carry out teaching activities around students' professional learning and social life problems, solve students' problems in professional learning with the world outlook and methodology of ideological and political theories, strictly implement the teaching practice of 2 credits, and do deep, detailed and practical teaching activities。Promote the organic combination of ideological and political course practice teaching with college students' social practice activities, so that students can have a deep understanding of society, deepen their understanding of theoretical content, improve their ability to analyze and solve problems, and enhance their sense of social responsibility and mission。

3.Support the implementation of the "Young Marxists Training Project"。Full supportOrganization and implementation of the "Young Marxists Training Project",Give full play to the advantages of ideological and political teachers,For the whole school outstanding students and party activists, probationary party members and so on,The method of combining centralized teaching, individual self-study, social practice and tutor guidance is adopted,围绕马克思主义经典著作、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想等开展系列理论研习和校内外专题调研、学习考察。Through a series of learning training,Further improve the ideological and political quality, theoretical level, thinking ability and practical ability of college students in the new era,Sincerely support the "two establishment" and faithfully practice the "two maintenance",Enhance the "Four consciousnesses",Strengthen the "four self-confidence",We are committed to training new people to take on the great responsibility of national rejuvenation。

(5) Brand creation and implementation project

1.Carry out in-depth competition activities。Organize and carry out regularly or irregularlyA series of competitions such as "Ideological and Political Lessons in my heart", "College students' Ideological and political lessons" and "Ideological and political lessons teaching exhibition" have become cultural brand activities of ideological and political education in schools。Continue to increase the guarantee investment, close to the actual situation of students, innovate the competition mode, further improve the participation rate and sense of gain of students, so that more students can become learners, propagandists, practitioners and promoters of the latest research results of the Sinicization of Marxism and the core values of socialism through the competition。

2.Fully participate in campus culture construction research。认真组织思政课教师全面参与全球十大外围足球平台建设,积极指导习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想读书社和易班工作站等理论学习型学生社团建设,实现第一课堂与第二课堂、第三课堂融合互动。Further organize ideological and political teachers to strengthen the scientific research of the second and third classes, such as culture education, practice education, network education, organization education, etc., and strive to build Guiyang Information Science and Technology College into a new highland for the research of campus culture construction in private colleges and universities。

3.Serve local economic and social development。Actively create conditions, give full play to advantages, earnestly organize forces to participate in the theoretical propaganda work of local party committees and departments, rely on local history and culture, strengthen horizontal cooperation, actively undertake decision-making consulting services for local projects, and strive to introduce research results with local characteristics and certain impact every year。Actively explore and promote the co-construction activities of ideological and political courses in primary and secondary schools, and jointly promote the integration of ideological and political courses in universities and primary and secondary schools。Participate in the relevant learning, education and training work of Guizhou Provincial Education Department, Guiyang Municipal Party Committee, Municipal government and other party and government departments in various forms。

5. Organizational guarantee

1.Strengthen organizational leadership。The university has established a leading group for the construction of Marxist College,The Party secretary and the president shall be the group leader,The school leader in charge of ideological and political work and the vice president in charge of teaching and scientific research work shall be the deputy group leaders,The heads of the Marxist College, the Party and Mass Work Department, the Student Work Department, the Teaching and Research Department, the Human Resources Department, the Finance Department, the Youth League School Committee and other units are members,To be responsible for formulating the implementation plan for the construction of Marxism College,And to guide and supervise the implementation of the program。It is clear that the secretary of the Party Committee of the university is the first person responsible for ideological and political theory education and the construction of the Marxist College,The principal assumes political and leadership responsibility,The school leaders in charge are specifically responsible for the organization and implementation,To ensure that priority is given to the construction of Marxist college in the school's development planning, funding investment, and use of public resources,Give priority to supporting ideological and political teachers in personnel training, research projects, evaluation and commendation, and professional title evaluation and employment,Truly implement the ideological and political courses, Marxist theoretical subjects in the school education and teaching system of the key construction position。

2.Improve the working mechanism。Implement the spirit of the relevant documents of the Central Propaganda Department, the Ministry of Education, the Provincial Propaganda Department and the provincial Education Department on strengthening the construction and assessment standards of Marxist colleges, and promote the standardized construction of Marxist colleges。Adhere to the cross-serving of party and government team members, the party president should generally serve as deputy secretary of the party organization at the same time, the party vice president should generally enter the party organization leadership, and further strengthen the leadership of the Marxist College。The construction of ideological and political courses should be included in the school's career development plan, included in the school's party building work assessment, school-running quality and discipline construction evaluation standard system, and taken as the school's key course construction。The university Party committee meeting and the president's office meeting shall be held at least once each academic year1 thematic meeting,At least one on-site office meeting of the School of Marxism is held each academic year,Study the construction of Marxist school and ideological and political course construction,Solve outstanding problems,Effective measures will be taken in terms of work pattern, team building, support and security,Ensure timely implementation of conference resolutions,Research topics are proposed by the Institute of Marxism in collaboration with relevant departments。The relevant functional departments of the university and the School of Marxism report the implementation of tasks and construction results to the Party Committee every year, and put forward improvement plans in a timely manner。

3.Strengthening support input。In accordance with the "Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of Marxist Colleges in the New Era" andStandard for the construction of Marxist colleges and universities(2023年版)》Requirements, optimize the integration of internal and external resources,We will increase financial support for discipline construction, education and teaching, theoretical research, policy publicity, team building and personnel training。In accordance with the basic construction provisions of the "Standards for the Construction of Marxist Colleges and Universities", special funds are extracted from the number of students every year to implement special funds for special purposes, and the funds are used for academic exchanges, practical research and training, education and training of ideological and political teachers, and increase year by year with the growth of school funds。Constantly improve the teaching, scientific research, office and other educational conditions of the School of Marxism, and effectively create a working and living environment for officers to start their own businesses。

Committee of Guiyang Institute of Information Science and Technology   Guiyang Institute of Information Technology

October 12, 2023

作者:Department of Ideological and political Education
编辑:Li Xiaojuan
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