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Student Financial Aid Policy and financial credit knowledge Answer activity notice
来源:  作者:  编辑:Zhang Xiule  日期:2024-06-05  Click rate:1297  [I want to print]  [关闭]


Key words:

      Honesty and gratitude are the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, an important part of the socialist core values, and a necessary quality for college students to become a person and grow up。At the same time, we should also fight against fraud and fraud, you and I go together。Master anti-fraud knowledge, improve anti-fraud vigilance, so that fraud nowhere to hide。Effectively enhance students' knowledge and understanding of the national funding policy, so that students can better use the national funding policy, and then promote the development of subsidized education work。Therefore, the Student Financial Aid Management Center launched a series of activities of Honesty and Gratitude Education Month - Student financial aid policy and financial credit knowledge answering activities。

      Answer time: June 5, 8:00-23:59
      Target: All students of School of Economics and Management, Guiyang Institute of Information Science and Technology
      How to participate: Scan the QR code below to participate

      Reward mechanism:
      1.Students with scores of 60 or above will receive 2 points for the second class credit。
      1.This activity will be distributed in the form of late registration (this activity does not need to sign in);Students carefully fill in the personal information section to avoid errors in the later record information;
      2.If you have any questions, please call 0851-88925856 for consultation;
      3.The second class credit will only be issued if the online answer has 60 points or above.
      4.The final interpretation of this activity belongs to the Student Financial Aid Administration Center。
编辑:Zhang Xiule
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